Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Great Depression v2.0

Ever wonder why the media uses the word "bailout" while the White House uses the word "rescue" to describe the $700 billion plan to help financial firms? The boys in Washington refer to Wall Street’s fuckup as a "rescue plan", or in fancier terms, "Financial Rescue Legislation". You "rescue" the unwitting victims of a boat accident. You "bail out" an experienced captain who sailed knowingly into a storm. There are no innocent victims here except the American taxpayer. Wall Street, which should have known better, is getting bailed out/rescued, whatever you want to call it. I say let’s just call it what it is. It’s covering the asses of some greedy bankers. I want to know where this bailout/rescue plan was back when the DotCom boom turned to bust? Nobody threw all those young, geeky entrepreneurs a life preserver. We let those startup companies fail and sink, like any company should when they make poor decisions. It’s called business. Only the strong are to survive. It’s similar to the animal kingdom, only the strong survive. The weak are left weary and eventually die. Like it or not, it works like this for a reason. And personally, I like it like that.

So are we to drop spare change in your
$5 Starbucks coffee cup you are using to panhandle with?
Dude, go fuck yourself.

This post isn’t meant to depress you because God knows we are all depressed enough over the economy lately. This post is meant to anger you. And if it does in fact anger you, then I’ve gotten my point across. I’ve awakened your sense and ruffled your feathers. Although these days, isn’t everyone already on edge? Learning that my own bank is on the fast track to going belly side up, just like Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual, has left me feeling just a tad worried. Granted, they are FDIC, but anything over $100,000 in your account and you’re basically fucked just like every other member of a non-FDIC insured bank. My Mom’s famous saying… "don’t put all your eggs in one basket" rule applies here. Spread out your money, people! I can’t emphasize that enough. If you’re like most, you are probably investing your money and saving for retirement. I’ve been quite diligent and smart in that area, but watching the stock market drop 777 points the other day made me want to hurl on my financial portfolio. The word "invest" means to give power, put your trust and faith in someone. Although at this point, I feel like taking that power back. I’ve lost just about all my trust and faith. I understand the market fluctuates, but this is borderline ridiculous! I try not to panic though and hold strong. And pray, a lot. It’s true that what goes up must eventually come down. But will what is down eventually come up? That is the question! Some believe this is another "Great Depression" in the making, the early stages. It’s a scary thought to imagine things getting any worse, but the possibility that we are seeing The Great Depression v2.0 scenario is very real.

As much as I would like to, I can’t take it out on my financial advisor. It’s not really his fault. We’ve reached this point due to a number of reasons, but mostly greed. It’s a problem that has spiraled downward starting from the subprime mortgage fiasco. And if you recall last week I ranted briefly on my blog about this very issue...

The Value Of A Dollar
I don’t mean to sound like a Grandpa, but am I the only one who understands the value of a dollar? Or rather what a dollar SHOULD mean? Seriously. $700 billion to bailout Wall Street? I can’t even fathom that amount of money! Whatever happened to being responsible for your own fuck-ups? It looks like the economy won’t recover without this massive economic bailout plan, but throwing money at a problem doesn’t really make it go away. It seems like a temporary fix and sooner or later someone has to foot the bill for all of this. Guess who that person will be? You! And don’t even get me started on the subprime mortgage disaster! That’s for another day and another post which surely will get my blood boiling. I just want to know when people are going to stop being so damn greedy and living above their means? Keep it simple, stupid. Don’t spend what you don’t have! Use common sense. Read the fine print. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Sorry, but I don’t feel bad for anyone who has had their house foreclosed on. When you make $30,000 a year and move into a $1 million dollar house under the delusion you can actually afford it, you’re an idiot and you deserve to be homeless now. Wakeup America! It is no wonder every other country hates us. When it comes to money, we are borderline retarded here.

Ok, so it’s another day and another post. I can’t hold back any longer. I simply must share this tale of a man who wins the "Stupidest Fuck Of The Year" award.

In New York City, a 28-year-old math teacher says he was "scammed" (his word, not mine) into investing in $1.5 million in real estate without putting any money down. (There's your first mistake, not putting any money down. Having a down payment would have been the smart thing.) He says and I quote..."I make $50,000 as a schoolteacher. There's no way I should have been approved for loans that big." Umm, hello! Are you fucking kidding me? You’re a math teacher! You’re supposed to be good at math. Do the simple math, dummy! You make 50 grand a year. You CAN NOT afford a $1.5 million dollar house! CAN. NOT. Just because you get approved for X amount doesn't mean you can actually afford X amount - duh. I don’t even need to calculate the figures to tell you that much. What in the world would even make you think you could? Oh wait, that’s right, you are blaming the bank for you not reading the fine print. You are blaming the bank for explaining to you what a subprime mortgage actually entails, but not listening or comprehending. FYI...it means your low introductory rate looks great on paper, but give it a couple months and it will shoot thru the roof, most likely tripling! It’s like being a naive 18-year-old kid who is sent his first credit card in the mail with a “teaser rate” to get him hooked on using plastic. He goes crazy with it in Abercrombie & Fitch and Gamestop. Then when the bill rolls in, he has a 30% interest rate slapped onto his shopping spree. Lesson learned, right? Well apparently that 18-year-old kid grew up to be the 28-year-old math teacher and STILL hasn’t learned his lesson.

Call me cold, but save your sob story. I won’t be shedding tears for you. I don’t feel the slightest bit sorry for a single person who was forced into foreclosure. Nor do I feel bad for any of these big bankers. Fuck all of you is what I say. Actually, good for you. You need to learn a lesson, the hard way. You’re all greedy and wanted to live above your means. You wanted to party it up and live large. Well guess what, you did, but now the party is over. Clean up your own fucking mess. I’m not pitching in to help.

(Sorry for all the "fucking" language. I usually don't swear like a sailor, but I tend to say fuck when I get pissed. Thanks for letting me vent. Fuck, I feel better now.)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Celebrating 10 Wonderful Blissful Google Years

Happy 10th birthday Google! Has it really been that long? It seems like just yesterday I had come home from school and Googled for the very first time. I’m not exaggerating when I say it was love at first sight. Right from the get-go I was hooked. You gave me what I needed and without hesitation. And because of that, I said goodbye to all the other search engines I had been with before you. I decided right then in there that you were "the one" and I’ve never regretted choosing you. I committed, without being asked to. I committed, because I wanted to. You were the homepage I set my browser to default to. You were the homepage so clean, so pure and so beautiful. You were the homepage for me (insert heavy loving sigh). You fulfill me. You, you autocomplete me.

Dude, I heart Google too, but this photo is just not right and in so many ways.
Can we get this man a shirt please? A Google tee if we must. Whatever it takes.

Oh how I love you, Google! Let me count the ways, 10 ways to celebrate 10 years.

10. Google Images, simplifies surfing porn. I mean it simplifies finding photos for science projects?
9. Google Maps with GPS, gets me from point A to point B and never wondering aimlessly in between.
8. Google News, specifically Tech News I read daily.
7. Gmail.
6. Gchat.
5. G-Unit. Oh wait, they aren’t related to Google, but I still like them.
4. Because Google is not only a noun, it’s also a verb.
3.Because sometimes when it’s late at night and I’m alone and feeling naughty, I Google myself. Shh.
2. Because Blogger is the love child of Google and Blogger feeds my passion for writing.
1. Because Google is the #1 search engine today and has single handedly killed Yahoo (almost) – YES!

Finally...because they’re Google, duh.

And if you don’t love Google like you rightfully should, then may you die a slow and painful death just like Yahoo.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

10 Different Topics In 1 Post – That’s Variety Blogging!

There is a ton of stuff to blog about today, but nothing with enough substance to make a solo post about any given topic. Since I have a handful of stuff I want to write about, or rather two handfuls of stuff, I thought I would combine them all in one post. Bam! How do you like that idea? But wait, there’s more! Breaking news! This just in! Former American Idol star Clay Aiken is gay! Nooo, really? (Note the sarcasm.) Comeon dude, you didn’t need to come out of the closet with this public announcement. We all knew you had been hiding in the closet, so you being gay is no secret really. If this is shocking news to anyone, then let me the first person to slap you silly with a reality check. Alright, now let’s get started with some REAL news...

1. Barbara Walters Recognizing Me?
I just found out that TV newsmagazine 20/20 will be visiting BrazenCareerist.com today! If you didn’t know, BrazenCareerist is a website I was asked to join about a month ago by Ryan Paugh, fellow alumni and co-founder of Brazen Careerist, Inc. I’ll keep you updated if and when the segment airs on ABC primetime TV. Any chance old Babs will be checking out my bio and writing contributions there? If not, you can. Check me out here.

2. I Had A Dirty Dream About Elisabeth Hasselbeck
I know, what? This has nothing to do with the above mentioning of Barbara Walters. And don’t ask me why I fantasized about Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the former reality show contestant on "Survivor" and current co-host on the world’s most annoying show on television, "The View". Honestly, I find her super irritating! I mean sure she’s cute, but her voice just grates on my last nerve. What makes matters worse, she never shuts up, NEVER! And she’s so uptight - so not my type. Still, I had a really great dream about her last night. Believe it or not, it didn’t contain sex...and it was still a great dream. It was just hand holding, cuddling and whispering of little sweet nothings. I think I’m growing a vagina just saying I enjoyed all of that and wasn’t upset there wasn’t any nudity or sex involved. There was however the best kiss ever! And because of that, I now have this weird celebrity crush on her. What’s wrong with me? The kiss just felt sooo real! It actually may be the best kiss I’ve ever had in a dream or in real life. Now that’s saying something! I’m sounding crazy, huh? I’m ashamed I just shared this.

3. Facebook More Popular Than Porn!
A global study says Facebook is more popular than surfing porn! Wow, what has this world come to when porn falls to the #2 slot? Hee-hee, I just said "slot". Seriously, as nation we just can’t let this happen. I say we join together and get our dirty-dirty surf on and bring Internet porn back to the prestigious title we once gave it, #1 baby!

4. Gore Invented The Internet And McCain Invented The Blackberry
You may remember a few years back when Gore made this statement claiming he invented the Internet. Needless to say, the entire Internet had a field day with his ridiculous comment. Well it seems McCain’s top policy adviser, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, waved his Blackberry in the air and told reporters "You’re looking at the miracle that John McCain helped create." Rrright. It turned out to be a lame joke the guy made, but the rest of the world blew it out of proportion and reported it as fact. I’m sorry, but that crusty old man is so out of touch with today’s technology that only a crackhead would actually believe he could have invented the Crackberry.

5. Blogging About Apple When You Work For Microsoft Is Grounds For Firing
Michael Hanscom admits it probably wasn’t the best idea. He thought the photo on his personal blog of Apple computers being offloaded at a Microsoft loading dock might get a couple of smirks from friends. He never imagined it would cost him his job! Although that's precisely what he says happened. Hanscom has found several minutes of web fame this week as the latest example of how bloggers’ blend of personal and professional can backfire. Read the rest of the article on MSNBC.

6. "Sex And The City The Movie" Released Today On DVD And Blu-Ray
OMG! OMG! Clapping giddy little hands together. It’s here, it’s here! SATC The Movie has hit store shelves. Pour yourself a Cosmo, grab your girlfriends and gather round. Now if you see me in line to buy the movie, that’s not me. It’s my body double. Yeah, that’s it. My long lost twin. Who am I kidding? I love SATC! Think Clay Aiken will watch it with me?

7. Manolo Blahnik FREE Shoe Giveway
Control your orgasm, ladies. I know the title above has you worked up in enough of a fevered frenzy that you aren’t even listening to me speak right now. So let me save my breath and just point you to the link where you can get yourself a pair of the most coveted heels known to woman – Manolo Blahniks. Thank the girls from SATC.

8. "Slacker Uprising" – Download Michael Moore’s New Film For FREE!
Love him or hate him, it's the first time a major feature-length film is being released for free on the internet. You can either download it or stream it live at www.slackeruprising.com

9. The Value Of A Dollar
I don’t mean to sound like a Grandpa, but am I the only one who understands the value of a dollar? Or rather what a dollar SHOULD mean? Seriously. $700 billion to bailout Wall Street? I can’t even fathom that amount of money! Whatever happened to being responsible for your own fuck-ups? It looks like the economy won’t recover without this massive economic bailout plan, but throwing money at a problem doesn’t really make it go away. It seems like a temporary fix and sooner or later someone has to foot the bill for all of this. Guess who that person will be? You! And don’t even get me started on the subprime mortgage disaster! That’s for another day and another post which surely will get my blood boiling. I just want to know when people are going to stop being so damn greedy and living above their means? Keep it simple, stupid. Don’t spend what you don’t have! Use common sense. Read the fine print. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Sorry, but I don’t feel bad for anyone who has had their house foreclosed on. When you make $30,000 a year and move into a $1 million dollar house under the delusion you can actually afford it, you’re an idiot and you deserve to be homeless now. Wakeup America! It is no wonder every other country hates us. When it comes to money, we are borderline retarded here.

10. Now Accepting Applications To Be My Girlfriend
My co-worker told me today I need a girlfriend. "What", I replied. I wasn’t being a smartass. I really couldn’t hear her. I’m falling apart. First it was the week long headaches/migraines and now I can’t hear. My ears are all clogged up and it’s driving me mad! And no, it’s not a sinus infection. And no, I’m not a dirty boy who doesn’t clean his ears. I think I’m just going to have to go to the doctors because it’s only getting worse and not better. This wouldn’t happen if I had a girlfriend. She would be looking over me, taking care of me in a sense. She would make sure I went to see the doctor earlier, even if it meant nagging me to do it. I’m slowly realizing all of this and I’ve decided it’s in my own best interest that I start accepting applications to be my girlfriend. I should note, I promise to take care of you too, so it’s a 50/50 give and take here. Did I mention I’m a romantic boy? That’s always a plus, right? Interested? Apply today.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Best Kisser, Like Father Like Son Like Master Like Puppy

I’ve been a self-proclaimed tech whore for some time now, and in addition to that title, my friends have recently labeled me a manwhore. With all this whoring going around, it should be no surprise that my whorish ways have influenced the most influential mind of all – my puppy. Yes, his brain is like a little sponge absorbing my each and every move. For good or bad, right or wrong, I’m afraid (or rather proud) that my whoring has rubbed off on him. He’s a chunky, wrinkly 45 pound pimp and his Papa couldn’t be prouder! Since the first day I laid paws on him, I knew he was a pimp. His smooth ways are not just taught, they are instinctual. He was born to be a player. He just has a way with the ladies that few canines have. He’s charming. He’s bold. He’s just plain old loveable and it oozes out of him. Women of all ages and walks of life simply can’t resist him! And after this weekend, there is no denying my pup is true pimp now. Diesel just won "Best Kisser" at Bullypalooza 2008. Not only does he hold the official title, but he also took home 1st prize – a bag of Snausages. Needless to say, this is going to totally go to his head! As if he wasn’t already "the cat’s meow", now he is going to be pimping in full force!

If there was one event at Bullypalooza that I knew my dog had in the bag, it was the kissing contest. I mean, how could he NOT win? Losing just wasn’t an option. And 2nd place? Forget it! My boy goes for gold. He goes for tongue and lots of it! Now his style of kissing may not be what a girl wishes for in a boyfriend, but since he is a dog, we have to let some shit slide. So with that said, his kisses are rather sloppy and somewhat aggressive. Not aggressive in a mean way, but aggressive in a "I love you so much and I have to show you now" kind of way. You can’t help but laugh and submit to his overwhelming affection as he runs at you with his tongue wagging in the breeze. He leaps into your arms, sometimes knocking you over and smoothers you in Bulldog kisses. Thankfully, he doesn’t have dog breath. I would like to say he’s a chip off the old block. That he’s a great kisser like his old man, but that would be mildly disturbing to think that I taught my dog how to kiss. Besides, his aggressive sloppy kissing style really isn’t my style. In short, our techniques are very different, but loved equally by the ladies.

Often I find myself left in awe over his bold pimping ways. Take for instance "hot jogging girl" – that is what I am going to nickname her. It was your typical sunny afternoon. I was taking the pup for a walk at the park when a rather hot 20something girl jogged toward us and then by us in her sports bra and shorts. I looked. The puppy looked. And then the pup and I looked at one another. It was game on! Normally he’s supposed to play the role of my wingpup, but I could see in his eyes he was going to be bold and overstep his boundaries. He was about to make a move and he was challenging me to stop him. While we were busy giving one another the evil eye, "hot jogging girl" pauses her iPod and rewinds her cute little booty a few steps backward towards us.

"Oh my God, he is sooo cute! Can I pet him?" I was hoping she was talking ABOUT me, but unfortunately she was only talking TO me in reference to my four-legged BFF. "Sure", I said enthusiastically. Who am I to deny a half-naked sweaty girl a public makeout session? I was just hoping that after she finished loving up my puppy that she would want to love me up too...or at least pet me too? Diesel was more than happy to go from a simple hello to 3rd base in 5 seconds flat! As soon as she knelt down, he went to town on her! He began licking her boobs in a flurry – no joke. I stood there a little turned on, a little grossed out, but mostly just jealous. It’s so not fair. He barely exchanges pleasantries before his tongue is less than an inch from reaching nipple. Now could you imagine if I did something like that? If I didn’t even catch this girl’s name and barely said hello to her before I licked her beautiful C cups breasts up, down and all around...and in public! She surely would have slapped me in the face. I would have a sexual harassment lawsuit thrown at me faster than you could bat an eye. But because he’s an English Bulldog puppy he gets away with it! Isn't that raciest or sexiest or something? I think he could get away with murder, a double homicide even! People used to giggle when he would hump their leg. Think I could get away with that? Not likely. And I highly doubt it would look "cute" like when he does it.

In my next life, I think I want to come back as a dog so I can be bold like him. So I can flaunt my pimping ways to the fullest power and makeout with any set of boobies I see fit. Yeah, that would be a good life. That would be my dog’s life.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

45 Minute Palin Hack? I Could Have Knocked It Out In 5

With news of Alaska Governor and Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin's personal Yahoo e-mail account being hacked coming to light yesterday, details on how the hack may have taken place are emerging. The alleged hacker is giving what appears to be a first-person account of how he was able to penetrate Palin's e-mail. The alleged hacker claims the intrusion was carried out via Yahoo's password reset feature. He also claims the exploit took no more than 45 minutes and simply required searching the Internet for basic personal information such as Palin's zip code, birth date and where she had met her husband. The purported hacker said he had hoped to break in and find something incriminating in the wake of media coverage debating Palin's use of a Yahoo account for state business, but claims to have come up blank.

See all the screenshots here.

Personally, I’m not all that fascinated by any of this. Actually, I’m a little disappointed it took this guy 45 minutes to complete the hack! I could have knocked that shit out in 5 minutes flat. If this alleged hacker is indeed the person who hacked Palin’s e-mail, then I’m also a little disappointed in the method in which he gained access. Unlike most hacks, it required no technical know-how or social engineering skills. It was simply a matter of web surfing and hitting a password reset button. That "hack" method is something even the least computer savvy person could accomplish. Now while this may not be the most complicated and difficult hack ever performed, it was successful. So in that sense, job well done.

Here’s the thing, hackers hack for several different reasons. But one thing all hackers have in common is the urge to brag about their hacks. Some simply can’t resist the temptation to brag and that leads them to getting caught. Other hackers are able to be mature and discrete enough about their hacks that they go virtually undetected, uncaught...well for the most part. Even the best, most talented hackers in the world, like my buddy Adrian Lamo, will tell you that hacking is bound to catch up to you sooner or later. So it’s only a matter of time before Palin’s true hacker/s come to light.

While this alleged hacker’s story is plausible enough on its face, if true it highlights the special vulnerability of such password reset mechanisms for web based e-mail accounts. In essence, it’s exploiting the very security system that is put in place to help protect and secure a user’s account! This is something I learned years ago when I was a teenager and broke into various AOL accounts strictly for shits and giggles. So my guess is that the Palin hacker, like most hackers, is a young male. Perhaps a young male with too much time on his hands, a small grudge and looking for a bit of fame – some notoriety for his discovery. Word has it that he’s a college student tied to the Democratic party.

So it does make sense that for a hacker who has committed the most publicized computer intrusion in recent memory, the perpetrator would effectively return to the scene to deliver a signed confession. And it is equally possible that the REAL hacker decided to play a prank on the student in question by trying to pin the hack on him. No matter what the story is, it will surely unfold in the coming days. More than likely, the hacker has left enough of a digital trail in order for him to be traced. While there are many lingering question here left to be answered, one thing is for sure...the fact that Sarah Palin has a Yahoo account is just more proof (or rather reinforces the fact) that old, unhip people use Yahoo. Gmail all the way baby!

As I expected, FBI agents have found the "wannabe hacker" and he is a dumb kid. So dumb in fact he used his regular e-mail address on the very message board in which he bragged about committing the hack! He is 20-year-old David Kernell, a student at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. His father is Democratic Tennessee state representative Mike Kernell. (Oh, how embarrassed he must be.)

In his gloating, David Kernell that goes by the alias "Rubico", posted up screenshots of Palin’s Yahoo account complete with the full URL which included the proxy server URL (ctunnel.com) appended with a unique identifier. So it doesn’t take a genius to go through the logs and match up the ID to the appropriate IP address and BAM, you got the hacker. People think proxy servers are supposed to anonymize your information, and in a sense, they really don’t. Every incoming true/real IP address is logged with the time and destination website. So for those thinking you’re clever by using anonymous proxy servers to hide behind and shield your true identity, you’re just a big dummy like Kernell.

Stay in school, you dumbass. You have much to learn. Although he may not be returning to class, beccause if convicted, he could face a maximum of 5 years in prison! Just a word of advice, get rid of those curls, kid. I hear inmates have a fetish for the Goldie Locks look.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Scamming Is One Thing, Playing On Someone’s Emotions Is Quite Another

Spam. We all know what it is and we all hate it. Today it’s so common place that we almost accept it as just part of the package that comes with e-mailing. We’ve become tolerant of it, almost immune to it. Regardless of all the hi-tech spam filters in place, plenty still trickles by. If you’re like me, you do a mass delete of these e-mails on a daily basis, sometimes several times a day. We can all agree that spam is a nuisance, but it’s also very time consuming to try to eliminate. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t even try to block it anymore. I simply don’t have the time to be bothered by it so in the trash folder it goes. I’m rather shocked that spam still exists these days because I would think by now everyone has wised up to the fact that their penis isn’t going to grow an extra 5 inches overnight by buying a magical $60 pill. Buy yet, some idiot is still opening up these e-mails and visiting the sites that help fund the spammer. And how stupid do you have to be to actually believe that you are the winner of an Xbox 360 or an all expense paid trip to Honolulu, when you didn’t even enter any sweepstakes contests to begin with! Trust me, if you click on the link that says "redeem your prize", you will not be collecting any gift, lump sum of cash or a free vacation. Instead you have just signed yourself up on another hundred spam lists - congratulations! You’re a winner...er, I mean loser.

Spamming is essentially scamming. I understand everyone has to make a living and as much as I despise the manner in which a spammer makes his living, I can understand why he does it. Some spammers make big money with their shady practices. Spam irritates me, but it doesn’t anger me, until today. Spamming/scamming is one thing, playing on someone’s emotions is quite another. And in essence, that is exactly what this e-mail did...

Long time no see
my my look how you've grown :) its been like seriously prob. 5 years since we've talked so you prob. dont even remember me.. but mike from our middle school gave me your myspace profile.. anyhow I've moved outta state since then but wanted to get in touch with you.. you look amazing btw.. anyhow I only check my myspace account like once a month so if you wanna chat hit me up on my msn messenger when you get a chance my msn name is jane20princess@live.com

I wasn’t gullible enough to fall for this, but I’ll admit, it had me going for a split second and I’ll tell you why.

my my look how you've grown :)

First of all, nobody under the age of 50 would say something like that. That is a line a distant aunt says to me when she hasn’t seen me in 20 years. "Oh David, look how you’ve grown. I remember you when you were just knee high and now you’re all grown up and over 6 feet tall!" Supposedly, the person who sent this to me is a 22-year-old blonde, or at least portraying to be.

its been like seriously prob. 5 years since we've talked so you prob. dont even remember me...

Um, according to your photo, you’re hot. And because of your hotness, I can assure you that I would have not let 5 years go bye. I would remember you and I would have been in touch.

but mike from our middle school gave me your myspace profile...

Ok, now this is where you almost got me here. I know a couple Mikes, but the Mike I would guess you are talking about is the Mike that was my best friend growing up. We were inseparable! So much so that people often had mistaken us for brothers. And because he is no longer with us, you managed to pull at the old heart strings and make me feel hopeful and excited that you are possibly an old friend of his. You see, the timeline would fit. Michael killed himself roughly 5 years ago so it would be quite possible for this person to have been in touch with him just before his death. It would also make sense that she waited awhile before contacting one of his friends out of the blue to see how he is doing now, how he's healing.

anyhow I've moved outta state since then but wanted to get in touch with you...you look amazing btw...

I checked her profile and supposedly she lives in Newport Beach, CA which is just a short bike ride from my sister’s apartment. So there would be a chance my sister bumped into her or even I have at some point while in California. However, I don’t see the point of wanting to get in touch with me? If you live across the country, it’s not like we could really hangout or anything. So why bother with me in the first place?

anyhow I only check my myspace account like once a month so if you wanna chat hit me up on my msn messenger when you get a chance my msn name is jane20princess@live.com

Ah, yes. There you have it. The final obvious clue that she and her e-mail is total bullshit. Why does every MySpace spammer use that same line? Can’t they get a little more creative than that? I'm very tech-savvy and I can spot spam a mile away. I'm not a gullible guy, but yet she managed to have me going for a bit and I think that is simply because it played on my emotions...and in a very cruel way.

I would desperately love nothing more than to get in touch with a long lost friend of Michael’s, perhaps the only person who could possibly answer some of the lingering questions his family and I still have surrounding his suicide. It’s a connection I look for and part of the reason why I even signed up on MySpace and Facebook to begin with, in hopes that I can somehow reconnect with my best buddy in the form of those who were nearest and dearest to his heart. I know it sounds a little crazy and farfetched. I realize my chances of crossing paths with someone from his past are slim to none. Still, I keep a glimmer of hope alive that maybe, just maybe that person will find me or I’ll find them. Perhaps it’s not a healthy method of coping, but sometimes I don’t know what else to do.

5 years later and we are still searching for some comfort and closure on the whole situation. I’m sure this spammer didn’t realize one of their cookie cutter e-mails has the power to really hit home for someone. I’m sure this spammer didn’t intend to purposely bring up painful memories and tease me with this illusion that this is the person I’ve been searching for. The person who somehow was "sent by Michael" to help ease the pain of those who he left behind. The person who was going to be "his voice" in a sense and tell us the things he never could tell us himself. The connection of 3 childhood friends. Obviously, this was all just a delusion of mine. I wanted to believe so badly this person existed that I nearly fell for it. Today was going to be the big day that we connected, finally after all the waiting. To some this would be a typical spam e-mail, but to me, it has been anything but typical.

So I guess I’ll keep searching. And waiting. And hoping. And praying. That tomorrow may be the day. Because at this point, I refuse to accept the thought that the promise of tomorrow may never come.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Handwritten Letter Is A Dying Art

The romance of a ribboned notebook. The smell of the oiled leather cover. Inside, virgin paper awaits, just begging to be touched with the thrill of violet ink. A Moleskine notebook has real pulling power on me, as does proper stationary. Stationery is romantic, poetic, sensual. Tech gadgets are anonymous, anodyne, soulless. Writing an e-mail is just something you do, perfunctorily and without much thought. Writing a letter or a card is a careful considered act and one that makes the recipient feel as if they’ve received a tiny present. Tragically, letter-writing is a dying art, even when it comes to love letters. It seems people are perfectly content to be wooed by text these days. I know this sounds shocking coming from me, a self-proclaimed tech whore. I do love my gadgets, but I also love the written word. There is just something about the feeling of a pen between my fingers and paper beneath my palm. To me it’s intoxicating. Technology makes our life simpler, faster and more convenient to communicate with one another. However, isn’t it nice sometimes to just take your time? To not only listen to your heart, but to speak it. To gather your thoughts and feelings and let those thoughts and feelings flow down to your fingertips. To capture and preserve it on paper. Nothing is better than a handwritten letter and your recipient would surely agree.

If you’re a remotely tactile person and one who likes to communicate, no gadget in the world will ever replace the sensuous joys of stationery. Your BlackBerry or MacBook may be equipped with more useful programs than you know what to do with, but do they make you feel randomly happy? Do they make you look forward to opening your bag and jotting something down? You can’t stroke them. Well, you can, but nothing much happens. You can’t sniff them (and few things are as delicious as the smell of virgin paper). And you can’t marvel at the way some clever person decided to emboss the leather and beribbon their covers.

For many women, and a few enlightened men, virgin paper is the adult equivalent of the sweetest candy. Some experience a physical thrill of delight when confronted with piles of diaries, pristine stacks of paper, personalized stationary, jotters and an assortment of writing instruments. I know it may sound silly, but compare and contrast with the orgasmic rush a writer feels just setting foot in an office supply store. Paper and pen calling to you like a sex starved whore. Stationery may not come with built-in GPS, but it fills you with a sense of hope and possibility. Think of a beautiful piece of paper that you can’t keep your hands off, or a bottle containing the perfect shade of violet ink. It almost reminds me of being a kid when I got high off of smelling Sharpies, Pink Pet erasers and bottles of Elmer’s rubber cement glue. Honestly, I still steal a whiff of these any chance I get. I always thought I was strange in that regard, that office supply stores sort of turn me on (not to be confused with sexual excitement). I thought I was alone in feeling that way, that was until I met "DC Girl", she too shared this same love. I remember the day she confessed it to me and I shouted out "YES" in total agreeance. I was shocked, yet relieved, that someone else experiences the same simple pleasure I do in office supplies. We were definitely an interesting pair.

I don’t think we are completely alone though. During the Back-To-School days when teachers and mothers are helping children/students stock up on pencil-case contents for the upcoming new school year, I see a small flicker in a some of their eyes. Eyes strangely glazed, absent-mindedly stroking an especially nice folder. They’re squealing at the Hello Kitty pencils. Lingering in the aisle for far longer than is actually required, occasionally catching each other’s eye with a complicit smile. Ahh yes, I know the feeling well. And I should inform them now that this delight will most likely never fade with age.

Perhaps it’s partly that these virgin objects hold so much promise. Even as a child browsing thru the Back-To-School supplies, I could envision myself being anything I wanted. The possibilities where endless. I was only limited to my own imagination, my own dreams. Today when I look at a blank sheet of cream colored paper, I still feel that way. I could write a bestselling novel in the blank notebook with the beautiful cover. I could become an artist, if only I owned that amazing paint palette. Call me old-fashioned (and this statement is against everything tech I love), but I never get that feeling with Word or Photoshop. They just make me feel harassed. I feel put-upon, time-conscious, forced to perform. My Moleskine notebook, on the other hand, makes me feel creative and free. It makes me feel like me.

Just as there is enormous pleasure in holding and thumbing a well-loved book, the kind of pleasure that can never be matched by reading books electronically, there is something indescribably wonderful about acquiring a diary and writing the year’s first entry in it. It is not a pleasure that can be re-created technologically. Typing in a date in your online calendar is entirely efficient, but not remotely pleasing. And pulling your little device out of your pocket is nowhere near as enjoyable as showcasing your beautiful leather-bound journal stuffed with deckled paper. To me, the appearance of the hand torn pages possesses amazing character! It looks old, important, cherished, sentimental, artistic and loved. I find myself wanting to fill each and every page with the most creative free-flowing words I can muster up from deep within my soul.

As you know, as of right now, I am not a published writer. I write for free. However, I feel I am paid in terms of pleasure on a daily basis. The handwritten word is beautifully human. It is about caring enough to communicate properly, whether it’s with other people or with yourself. It turns quotidian tasks into small, pleasing celebrations. Simply put, it is wonderful. It is a dying art that I do my best to keep alive and will forever treasure.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Gift That Insults Or Compliments?

I think I have a bad rep. Or maybe it’s a good rep? I suppose in this case, judgment is in the eye of the beholder. By some, I’ve been labeled as a player, a manwhore. Personally, I like the term "manwhore" better. It’s just more humorous. Although I really don’t think I’m a manwhore. I guess you could say I’m a reformed manwhore? Or perhaps a recovering manwhore that occasionally has relapses? I mean we can’t count the other week in Aruba, right? Comeon now. It’s really hot and steamy on an island, weather wise. So it’s only natural that the heat carries over into the bedroom. Or on a hammock or on a...nevermind. A week of debauchery is probably what I need anyway. I was feeling a little sad and lonely over someone, so I found comfort in a 5’10 foreign accented nympho. You can’t blame me for that. Any guy in my shoes would have acted the same way. Besides, if it takes place in another country, do we need to count it? Ok, so I relapsed there and acted slutty. Honestly though, I dare you to find a single guy out there who doesn’t have slutty moments - drunk or sober. A guy who hasn’t madeout with one of his co-workers at happy hour at least once. A guy who for the most part is a decent dude, but on occasion is lured in by that ever so tempting, beautiful creature we call woman. The single man just isn’t strong enough to resist some temptations and really why should he even try to resist? I say give into it. Go for it. Why not?

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not promoting unsafe sex or promiscuity. Actually, I may be in favor or promiscuity in this case? But the point is, I’m not a dirty dawg. I’m not out looking to "tap some ass" 7 days a week or anything like that. For the most part, I’m a good guy. I’m not a commitment-phob. I like having a girlfriend. I believe in a monogamous relationship. I know what love is and I can truthfully say that I like being in love more than I like being in some new chick’s bed.

They say don't hate the player, hate the game. But I really don’t think I’m a player and I really don’t feel I’m running any game. Remember, we are talking about me, the same guy that said Grood. That’s hardly the resume of a player. I am a flirt. I’ll admit that. And if the girls at work want to nickname me "Yummy Guy" and flirt with me, then I’m just a helpless victim, right? (Ha-ha. Ok, I can’t even type that with a straight face.) Seriously though, guys aren’t like most girls. We give it up easy. You really don’t have to twist my arm to get me to put out. So yeah, call me a slut. Call me a manwhore. Maybe I do deserve these labels. But a player? Nah, I don’t think so. Regardless, I will wear this gag gift t-shirt with pride. It’s geeky and whorish. What could be better?

And really if I’ve hit on you, it’s your fault. Stop being hot and I won’t hit on you. It’s as simple as that.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Designer Shoes In Glass Cases? Carrie Bradshaw Would Be Proud!

As you may or may not be aware, it’s Fashion Week in NYC, Bryant Park to be exact. If you don’t know what Fashion Week is, then I can’t even speak to you! (Read that in my huffy, gay sounding voice.) Seriously though, it’s sort of the "be all end all" of clothes, shoes, accessories and all that other junk my sister is so obsessed with. It’s the world’s premier fashion event and if you aren’t there, you’re a loser! Ok, that’s a bit harsh. You’re just not as cool and as stylish as some? Anyway, the point of this post is to share this photo I stole from a friend who attended a show today. This would make Carrie Bradshaw sooo proud! I can see her weeping now, tears of joy that is. Granted, some designer shoes cost more than diamond and platinum jewelry, but are we really showcasing shoes in glass cases now? It seems a bit much to me.

I’ll admit it. I’m a straight man who can not only recognize Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo shoes on a woman, but I can sometimes (emphasize on "sometimes") tell them apart. I know, shocking and scary. And while I’m being honest/borderline gay, how gay is it for me to say that I love my Prada shoes? That’s right, I have some Prada shoes...and a jacket...and a... I think I’ll stop there. But hey, if I dressed like a slob, my sister would surely disown me. Hmm, would that necessarily be a bad thing though? I’m kidding. I love my sister, sometimes. It was inevitable that all her fashion crap was bound to wear off on me sometime. She’s been hung up on it since age 3 and I grew up in the same house with her for the first 18 years of my life.

Still, all I’m really interested in is the super hot models! But if you want to check out what’s going on at Fashion Week, then you can try to weasel your way into a show too. Although it’s highly unlikely you’ll succeed unless you are somehow tied to the fashion industry. Don’t cry though. There is an easier route that allows you to get a glimpse of the action. Visit on the web, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week 2008.

This concludes perhaps the gayest post I’ve ever written! I hope my female readers are happy now. I think my next post should be extremely manly in content, to overcompensate for all my girly talk lately. I’m thinking I’ll post about raw cuts of meat, ball sweat and big titties. Yeah, that sounds manly enough.

Monday, September 8, 2008

New Blogger Widget Lets You Share A Little Love

There’s a new Blogger Widget available called "Followers". Basically it lets you follow (keep up to date) with my blog and gets your smiling face on my page! What could be better than that, right? I will be adding all the blogs I link to. And if you love me, and I know you do, then you can add my blog. It will be like a nerdy fan club of bloggers. I'll be your fan and you be my fan. The only thing missing will be the Members Only jackets. After I get enough "followers", I’ll add the Followers Widget to my sidebar. Exciting huh?

(UPDATE: I've already added the Followers Widget. You can find it on the orange sidebar to your right, at the bottom. I'm still trying to figure out how to customize it a little so it looks all snazzy.)

It’s just another way to help build a community, in addition to the traditional blog rolls/lists. Plus it looks kinda cool? It's similar to the MyBlogLog idea, except Followers is integrated into your Blogger Dashboard. Keep in mind that you don't have to link to someone's blog or have them link to you in order to use the Followers Widget. The Followers Widget is a completely separate thing from a Blog Roll/List. And you can "follow" someone else’s blog and they don't have to "follow" yours, or vice versa.

Need more info on exactly what the Followers Widget is and how you can add it to your blog too? Check out the following link for a complete introduction and how-to guide.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fly Like an Eagle

With the way they played in their season opener today, maybe I should start attending Philadelphia Eagles games more often. Thanks to quarterback Donovan McNabb, dynamic rookie receiver DeSean Jackson, and a host of others, the Birds launched an aerial assault against the St. Louis Rams, defeating the visitors, 38-3.

Great weather, great seats, great game -- what more could you ask for? I only hope this is the start of a great football season here in Philly. Time will tell.


Friday, September 5, 2008

The Things I Can’t Speak About, Let Alone Write About

This is the follow-up post to 9/4/08 - Releasing A Blog Draft Prisoner

Once upon a time there was a boy who found it difficult to express how he was feeling. It’s not that he didn’t have any feelings, it was that he had too many and was becoming numb due to the emotional weight he carried. He wanted nothing more than to shed this weight. So while shopping for Back To School supplies with his Mom, he snuck in an extra black and white speckled composition book. When she asked why he needed two, he made up some half-believable excuse which she bought. He found himself often lying when faced with a potential "touchy/feely talk". Perhaps he learned this method of coping from his tight lipped father. Or perhaps he learned it from the "boys don’t cry" stereotype society had engrained in him, even at such a young age. Or perhaps he is just making up excuses and wanting to place blame on someone other than himself.

He didn’t know how to approach certain topics. He couldn’t find the right words to verbalize it. He was embarrassed to feel the way he did, like he was being an oversensitive little girl. It was more than embarrassment though. It was sheer terror of what people would think if he were to come clean with what was going on inside him. Just the thought of it made him instantly sick to his stomach. There were times when he found himself caught and tangled up in a "touchy/feely talk". He would literally break into a cold sweat. His heart would pound, his stomach would turn nauseous and he could feel his hands begin to tremble. It was like being backed into a corner and wanting desperately to escape, without knowing how to escape. It was as if his body was paralyzed, while his head raced uncontrollably. It was that out of control sensation which he not only hated, but also highly feared. He honestly believed there would be no coming back from it. That he would always be known as the boy who had a breakdown. People would then act weird around him and he would be viewed as being borderline crazy. He just couldn’t take the risk of having that occur. So whenever asked if everything was alright or if he wanted to talk about something, his reply was always..."I’m fine."

It was an easy out and he would continue to use it for years to come. At times, he even uses it to this day. He swept it under the rug. He stuffed it down, only to have it erupt in his face, overflow and bring him to his knees. He would soon learn that this method of dealing with things only compounds the problem. And despite learning this difficult and immensely painful lesson, there are days when he still finds himself being emotionally evasive. Why? The only answer I can think of is that it’s his shield, his protection from things he wishes not to endure. He believed it to be the world’s greatest mask, whether the world saw past it or not, he wore it daily.

Unknown to his entire family and all of his friends, the boy had a passion for writing. He wrote late at night, alone in his bedroom, with just small light on. Lying on his bed was a stack of magazines and school books, items he would use as a disguise. A ploy that would go into effect if someone were to knock on his bedroom door. If he couldn’t hide his notebook under his nightstand fast enough, before they entered the room, then he would play off his writing as doing homework. It was his dirty little secret. Nobody needed to know. He wasn’t writing about anyone. He wasn’t hurting anyone. In fact, he was only trying to help himself. He was writing about himself and how he felt inside. It was brutally honest, almost always tearful and extremely raw in content. He worried not about his grammar. Sentence structure, misspellings or poor penmanship was not the focus here. It was the emotions behind the words, or rather the release of those emotions. That is what he graded himself on. And in that regard, he was a standout student, a true scholar. For the first time in his life, instead of feeling embarrassed, he actually felt proud. Proud that he found a method of coping. Proud that he was shedding the emotional weight.

It was only when he put pen to paper that he was finally able to find the words he could never fully verbalize. Something magical happened with each ink stroke. Writing was therapeutic to him and the more he wrote, the deeper he found himself falling in love with process – the experience. It became his safe haven. A place he no longer had to hide parts of himself. A place he could freely be himself, both the beautiful and ugly parts that define him. Nobody was lurking within those pages looking to cast judgment. Nobody would read his inner most thoughts, dreams and secrets. And then it dawned on him. Because of this, nobody would ever fully know him. Nobody would ever fully understand him. If he kept all these things buried in a comp book, only accessible to his own eyes, was he cheating himself? Would he eventually become cold and distant, unable to relate to others? Would he be unable to connect to the world, to all humanity? Would he eventually die alone and unknown? Deep thoughts for a kid, but I had them. Yes, I’m that little boy I write about in 3rd person.

As time moved on, I found myself writing less and less...until I eventually didn’t pick up that pen. Although, it wasn’t because I had nothing to write about or that I no longer found writing to be therapeutic. It was because a few things happened in my life that I simply could not speak about, let alone write about. I couldn’t have proof of it lying around. Things like how my middle school gym teacher molested me and a few classmates, then got away with it. Or attempted to molest me? To this day, I’m still fuzzy on the facts because I’m not completely sure more happened than my mind will allow me to remember. I question whether or not my brain has blocked parts out for my own well being – a survival mechanism. One thing I haven’t forgot or blocked out, his face. I still see it crystal clear, the sound of his voice and vivid images of his filthy hands on me. By the way, he continued teaching in the school district for years to come! I had graduated and gone on to college when one day I saw him helping load kids onto their school bus. It took everything in my power not to throw up right then and there.

It wasn’t just that though. It was other things too. Things like an unimaginable black sadness, a complete sense of hopelessness, unbearable grief and overwhelming guilt. These were just a few of the things I couldn’t speak or write about. However, they were all I could think about. I began focusing on them so intensely that I had definitely lost sight of myself and was clueless as to what feeling happy actually was. I hadn’t felt happy for so long that happy actually became a foreign emotion to me. I could not find peace in anything, not even in pen and paper. It was so bad that I questioned whether or not even a small amount of happiness would ever be present in my life again.

I was barely 12-years-old when I became suicidal. A calm had come over me. After feeling like I was suffocating for so long, I could finally breathe again. I was choosing to end it all and I was at peace with that decision. If you’ve ever been there, you can relate to the feeling. My first attempt was immediately after school. I felt the most effective method would be to shoot myself. There was only one problem - we never had a handgun or any other type of firearm in our house. So shooting myself was scratched off the list. I thought about hanging myself, but I couldn’t find any rope in the garage. I even thought about ODing on some pills. However, that seemed lame to me. With my luck, I would just end up with a sick stomach that would need pumped at the hospital. The main goal here was to succeed. If I failed, not only would I have to live with that failure, but I would have to live in general. My family, my friends and my entire school would find out how messed up I was. I couldn’t face that. I couldn’t face the amount of humiliation that would come with not only feeling like a failure in life, but also having a failed suicide attempt tied to myself as well. At the time, in my eyes, the measure of a true failure was one who even failed when trying to kill himself.

I had stepped off the bus and walked straight into my parent’s kitchen. My Mom often complained that she never had a good, sharp set of knives. So I decided if I were to slice my wrists, I would need to put some muscle in it. I was clueless as to which was the best way to do it – to slice vertically or horizontally. I figured I would do both, just to make sure. I took out a steak knife that I usually ate dinner with and began digging it into my flesh. A small freckle became the bullseye and I used it as my marked target to begin. I stabbed the tip in and ran the serrated edged of the blade along my 12-year-old skin. I cut into the inner side of both arms. Multiple times. In all directions. Halfway up to my elbows. When the blood began to pour, all I thought about was it staining the countertop. I didn’t want my Mom to be angry at me for making a mess. For whatever reason, it never dawned on me that a blood stained countertop would be the least of her worries if I were lying lifeless on the kitchen floor when she arrived home from work.

I couldn’t see that far ahead. I couldn’t look rationally at the situation. I couldn’t foresee into the future as to what the impact of my actions would be on those that loved me. I guess I figured they would grieve, but I couldn’t fathom the tremendous turmoil I would throw my family in. All the unanswered questions I would leave them with. The guilt, the sadness, the anger. I wasn’t aware how they would harbor these emotions for years to come. I was ignorant to the fact that with just a few more slices, I would change their world forever…and I would end mine forever. It was a selfish act. A permanent solution to what I realize now looking back, were only temporary problems. During your pre-teen years, everything seems like the end of the world.

I suppose this is around the time most people have some sort of religious or spiritual awaking in their life. I however, returned to the basics. Back to what gave me comfort growing up. I began to write again, but not with pen and paper this time. I set the notebook aside and began a virtual notebook. I began the very blog you read now.

I would be liar if I said today I’m completely fine and I’m no longer haunted by suicidal thoughts. I’m able to maintain a perfectly normal life and I do find happiness in some things and certain people. I refused medication and I refused consoling. In fact, I was on Zoloft once in my early 20s and it had the total opposite effect, it made me more suicidal! Although now that I’m older, I’m more mature in how I view life. I think when my best friend/roommate committed suicide in college, THAT was my awakening. As warped as it may sound, wiping up his blood may have been a blessing in disguise for me. It made me realize that even though I hold life loosely, it is a precious gift. It made me realize that Michael’s choice to kill himself is something his family, friends and I all struggle with even to this day. It’s something that no matter how depressed or hopeless I mean feel, I will never allow my family and friends to endure the pain of my suicide. Some would say a failed suicide attempt is a silent scream for help. Perhaps it was. Or perhaps it was the helping hand of some unknown higher power that never granted my Mom’s wish for a new, sharp knife set on purpose. Perhaps this "higher power" could foresee the future of me in my adolescent years and wanted to prolong my future. As shocking as this story may be, what’s even more shocking is that to the naked eye, I don’t bare a single scar on either of my wrists or arms. Although to me, the scars are still visible. I see each and every cut, not as healed purple lines, but as fresh red wounds.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Releasing A Blog Draft Prisoner

I’m actually rather pleased with how I wrote it, which is rare for me. As many of you know, I usually hate my own writing. To me, my writing never feels complete or good enough. I’m my own worst critic. When I sat down to write the post, I never intended to talk about "that". I had no intention of ever telling a sole about it. Afterall, I had kept it a heavily guarded secret for 15 years! And I had every intention in keeping it a secret for another 15, if not 100 years! Honestly, it is something I felt pretty firmly about taking to my grave. That was sort of the plan, but then, somehow I wrote it out of me? I know this sounds really strange and it doesn’t make sense. But something I was NEVER able to speak about, somehow I was able to write about, without even being conscious I was doing it! Now that’s some f-ed up stuff only a psychologist should be able to explain. What’s even more bizarre, I never told a sole about this, but yet I’m considering telling the whole world? I had never told my Mom, or a girlfriend, or a best friend, but I’m ok with letting a bunch of strangers on the Internet know this about me? I even lied to a school counselor and shrink that I did this. I denied it because there was no way in hell I could own up to it. The best part, they all believed me. Here I was, 12-years-old and I had them all fooled!

What a bunch of suckers I thought to myself. They bought into all my bullshit and it wasn’t that difficult to do. It literally took years for me to figure out that the only sucker was me. I was the one that had to suck it up, stuff it down and keep it locked inside of me. I choose to imprison myself while the rest of the world was trying to free me. Of course back then, I didn’t see it that way. I thought for sure they would send me away, confine me in a padded cell in some nut house. I wasn’t going to let them do that so I did the only thing I could, I protected myself by protecting my secret from them. I played it all off like they were the crazy ones for even thinking such a thing about me could be true. They didn’t pry all that much and I can only assume it is because they didn’t care all that much. That was fine by me. My attitude was "fuck them all" anyway.

It’s more like a personal outlet for me. I often write draft posts, but never publish them. I have at least 10 drafts lying around at any given time. I think I’m going to change that. I’m going to start releasing some of my blog draft prisoners – prisoner of words. I don’t want to hold them captive any longer. For good or bad, right or wrong, they too will be let go. I’m not certain that by doing that if it will benefit me, but I’m hoping that perhaps by sharing this extremely painful and life altering experience that it may benefit someone else.

I don’t recall feeling this nervous since the day I planned to propose to my girlfriend. Right now, I feel incredibly nervous and somewhat scared to even THINK about talking about this. It’s a hard thing to live with, even for a day, let alone 15 years. But it’s even harder to release it. And that’s what I’ve decided to do. I’m finally going to release this secret. After 15 years, I’m going to let it out. I’m going to do it here on my blog in less than 24 hours. I’m releasing a blog draft prisoner that has sat in my Blogger account for months. I’m going to release one of my biggest darkest secrets that sat inside me for 15 years.

Deep breath. In. Out. Ok, I’m ready.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Right To Bare Boobies

National Go Topless Day was held the other weekend in NYC. (And yes, that is a real holiday, I’m not making it up.) Protesters were out in full force in and around Central Park to fight for their rights to be topless in public. Ok, now this is where it gets fuzzy for me...

In 1992, the NY State Appeals Court ruled that women have the right to go topless in New York, just like men. So unlike most cities, in NYC it is legal to bare your boobies and I’m not just talking about "moobs" (male boobs) either. So, if IT IS LEGAL for a woman to be topless in NYC, why are half-naked women holding protest signs and marching about it? Umm, the law has already been passed, 16 years ago! I don’t understand what you are protesting? You already got your way. Is there anyone else who thinks this just doesn’t make sense besides me? The word protest means to make a solemn or earnest declaration that you are against something. People hold protests to show that they object and disapprove. You protest in hopes of making a change, to change the mind of those in power to pass a law. Apparently these women don’t get that.

Warning! Photo Gallery NSFW
National Go Topless Day Flickr Set

Just like blondes are always trying to fight off the stereotype that they are dumb, so are big breasted women. However, if women with big boobs really want to be taken seriously and thought of as intelligent, you may want to start by protesting something you DON’T agree with. If you protest something you do agree with and has already been passed in your favor, then you are just making yourself look 10x dumber. However, you’ll probably still look kind of hot doing it – dumb or not. Just ask that tourist sporting the camcorder in the background of this photo. What a perv.

As I read a little further into this story, it appears as if the ladies were merely marching in support of the women who get fined and arrested around the nation. However, I really think their protest would have been better suited in another city. You know, a city that doesn’t already have the "it’s ok to go topless" law passed.

"Free Your Breasts, Free Your Mind." That is one of the protest signs that was held up. Now if I remember correctly, En Vogue used to have a song with the lyrics "free your mind and the rest will follow". So do you think that there’s possibility that NYC women will soon be able to legally bare it all on the streets? Oh boy! On second thought, I’m sure if such a magical law would pass that it wouldn’t discriminate against the fugly. It would allow old, overweight and far from hot women to run naked. Ew, not good. And before anyone sends me hate mail saying I’m a rude, sexiest pig...let me reply to it now by saying, yeah and your point is?

I understand the debate of "as long as men can be topless, constitutionally women should have the same right, or men should also be forced to wear something hiding their chest" – I get that and it brings up a good point. However, let’s be completely honest here. The majority of the population (male and female) doesn’t look good topless, period. There are tons of dudes out there with their beer guts hanging and their moobs bouncing. They are pasty white and covered in a 2 inch thick layer of back hair. So fuzzy that going shirtless is sometimes mistaken for wearing a hair vest. It’s just gross. A similar argument could be made for women. You don’t have to be a wiz kid to figure out that 99.9% of the women marching in topless protests are women you NEVER want to see topless! They are old, tree hugging, granola girls. Ex-hippies who haven’t wore a bra since they burned their Olga back in the 60s and now we are all being punished 40+ years later by seeing their saggy titties down past their hips. Please, for the love of God, put a shirt on! I beg of you!

It may be your legal right to go topless, but it’s a visual crime committed against society’s eyes to display your old and saggy titties. My retinas are now bleeding after viewing that Flickr photo gallery. The damage I’ve now done to myself may be unrepairable. Why did I even look? I'm more into a good ass than a good rack anyway.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Turning Wine Into Water (Part 2)

Part 2, continued from 8/28/08 - Turning Wine Into Water (Part 1)

The words you are reading now are not here to stay. They will be removed, in due time. For now, they are mere fillers. Just some words to wet your appetite, to keep you coming back for more. And there will be more. As promised, I will deliver on the second part of this post. I know some are hungry for it all and want it now, right this very minute...but it’s not done cooking. I’m sitting on writing the remainder of this post simply because after writing the first part, I’m having second thoughts. I often have second thoughts after the fact. There have been times when this has resulted in me revising, retracting or completely removing things I have wrote. Some may see this as silly, but to me if seems right. I always try to right my wrongs and this is no different.

I have this inner battle with myself between the want for telling a story and the need for discretion. As I’ve stated in the past, this blog isn’t just about me. It’s about me, we, he and sometimes a she. I may not always write about other people, but I am aware that what I write has affected certain people in the past. It has the ability to possibly affect certain people today and in the future. This is something I constantly have to be mindful of. And because of that, I watch what I say. I watch what I write. And more importantly, how I write it.

It’s most likely a figment of my imagination, but I feel like there may be a slight chance I’ve sort of hurt someone’s feelings by writing what I did, even though I'm 99.9% sure she couldn't care less. And I'm 100% sure I shouldn't care. Stupid or not, I feel bad if I upset her in the least, even though I really didn’t do anything wrong and I have nothing to be sorry for. Still, I feel sorry. I feel guilty. I feel wrong. And having all these feelings feel REALLY stupid!

Regardless, I still feel kind of like a dirtball. I feel like that guy – the dirty dude who lacks discretion. Correction, I AM that guy. And I don’t want to be that guy. Let me sit on this. Let me choose my words carefully, finish telling the tale accordingly and as Chuck Woolery once said on Love Connection..."We will be back in two and two (2 minutes, 2 seconds)."

Give or take a few.

Catch Me On Sirius Satellite Radio!!!

Catch me this Wednesday, September 3rd from 8 am – 9 am EDT on “Doctor Radio” on Sirius Satellite Radio, channel 114, where I'll be talking about my book and about living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

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