Sunday, June 17, 2007

Like Father, Like Son

My father and I were both losers today, as neither the slot machines nor the blackjack tables were kind to us as we spent Father's Day in Atlantic City. But we enjoyed a nice lunch and took a brief stroll on the boardwalk (photo of me taken by Dad). On the ride home, we even had the pleasure (or should I say, displeasure) of listening to the Phillies self-implode. Nevertheless, it was a fitting way to celebrate Father's Day.

It was the first time in quite a while that just my father and I took a roadtrip. In fact, since my tracheotomy five years ago, I have only been out a few times with just one of my parents. I go out plenty with my nurses and it has gotten to the point that I almost feel as if I can't go anywhere without a nurse. But the truth of the matter is that I should do this sort of thing more often. I need to get out there and live my life -- even when there's no nurse with me.

Just maybe next time Dad and I will keep our money in our pockets and go somewhere else. At least until next Father's Day...

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