Thursday, January 17, 2008

Adding Insult to Injury

Last year, I wrote about an unpleasant phone conversation with a representative at Social Security. News flash: obnoxious people still work there. Take my conversation today with a woman named Betty, for example. The purpose of my call was to report income I had made from September to November, but for which I received a paycheck only a few days ago. From the start, she had a rude, condescending tone and interrupted every time I tried to explain my situation.

Betty: "How long have you been working?"
Me: "I'm no longer working, but the job began in September."
Betty: "No, listen to me! What DATE did you start?"
Me: I don't have an exact date.
Betty: "Well, you have to report when you start working."
Me: "I'm sorry, but I didn't have any specific information at the time because I'm a consultant."

When I asked Betty to repeat something I had not heard her say, the conversation quickly deteriorated.

Betty: "I'm speaking loud enough. You're the one that's quiet."
Me: "Ma'am, I'm on a ventilator, so--"
Betty: "Well, it doesn't say that here."

That's when I lost it.

Me: "WHY THE HELL DOES THAT MATTER!?! SINCE WHEN DO I HAVE TO REPORT THAT!?! NOW I'M YELLING, WHICH IS VERY DIFFICULT FOR ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, "You've been rude and you've talked down to me the whole time; I'm not stupid, just disabled!

Never had I felt so insulted in my life. My heart now racing and with tears in my eyes, I demanded to speak to a supervisor. However, the apology I received was somewhat half-hearted, saying she was sorry if that's what Betty had said to me.

Social Security has some work to do in the area of customer service. Need I say more?

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