Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sky's the Limit

People with Duchenne's are living longer and doing amazing things. My friend Art is a perfect example. Art just received his PhD in astrophysics. Quite an accomplishment for anyone, let alone someone with DMD and a visual impairment. Incredibly disciplined, nothing would deter him. After getting his trach he went right back to his studies, even living on his own.

Though I've known Art for probably 20 years -- we went to camp and college together -- it wasn't until we both got trachs that we became close friends. While it was certainly nice to be able to trade medical war stories, we found that we had a lot in common. Since then, we have gone to baseball games, orchestra concerts, "walks" in the park, restaurants, and we have talked on the phone regularly.

Things are going to change, though, as Art will be moving to California for work. It will be a challenge for him, but if there's anyone who can do it, Art would be the one. I wish him the best of luck...

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