Sunday, May 31, 2009

Geophysical archaeoprospection abstracts from AGU

Here are the abstracts on geophsyical prospection at archaeological sites from the session I co-organized at the just completed American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly:

Near Surface Magnetic Survey for Investigating the Cultural Relics in Suchon, Gongju, Korea
Islam, M R (, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario, 40,Summit Ave. Unit# 50, London, ON N6H4S3, Canada, et al.

A magnetic study by the FM256 Fluxgate Gradiometer was conducted in Suchon, Gongju to measure the vertical magnetic gradient of the Earth's magnetic field and to give further details of the shallow section. The region was divided into two separate areas. The first study area measured 40m by 20m while the second study area was 20m x 20m. Each was subsequently divided into four grids of dimension 20m by 10m and 10m by 10m respectively. Measurements of the vertical magnetic gradient were conducted through successive zigzag traverses. The sample-interval and the traverse-interval were set to specifically record small anomalies at a high resolution. A total of 3200 readings were measured at the first study area and 1600 at the second study area. The data have been downloaded, presented and processed through the Geoplot software to remove the spikes, grid discontinuities, and traverses stripes, and also to enhance the display and smooth the data using the Gaussian low-pass filtering techniques. The vertical gradient of the processed data over the second study area ranges from -34nT to + 21nT, while it ranges from -36nT to + 62nT at the first study area. The gradiometer results defined several positive and negative magnetic anomalies, which revealed the existence of several subsurface features of different shapes and sizes. A comparison between the processed magnetic images suggest that the subsurface features may include a room structure (e.g. hut), a cave-shaped stone chamber tomb, an accumulation of potteries and porcelains common in the Baekje period in the ancient Korean history. The biggest anomaly (3 m in diameter) may illuminate a quartzite tomb chamber. As a result, the study area has great archaeological interest.

The Donegal Sign Tree: A Local Legend Confirmed with Holographic Radar and 3-D Magnetics
Bechtel, T (, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA , United States, et al.

A tree at a crossroad in Historic Donegal, PA (founded 1722) bears unusual burls. Two are similar in size, and lie on opposite sides of the trunk at a height of six feet. Locals say that the tree engulfed an old road sign, and the geometry of the burls gives this appearance. However, the trunk between these two burls bears no welt where it sealed after swallowing the sign. In addition, there are other burls farther up the tree, which are not consistent with engulfed signs. Although the locals all know the legend of the swallowed sign, none ever actually saw the sign; not even an octogenarian who has lived at the crossroad his entire life, and recalls the tree as a child just as it is today. In order to test the veracity of the legend, this study performed subsurface imaging of the tree using holographic subsurface radar (Rascan), and 3-D measurements of the magnetic field about the tree using cesium vapor sensors. The Rascan system used is a continuous wave subsurface radar that operates at 5 discrete frequencies between 1.5 and 2.0 GHz. Reflections from subsurface objects are recorded as the phase difference pattern between an internal reference signal, and the reflected signal. Thus, it is a microwave analogy for optical holography. Rascan records reflections with two receiving antennae - parallel and perpendicular to the transmitter - so a single set of scans provides ten images; five frequencies at two polarizations. This ensures that an object at arbitrary depth will produce a strong phase difference in one of the images. As a consequence, elongate objects that are angled from the plane of scanning (e.g. a dipping sheet) produce "zebra stripes" of contrast values that vary cyclically with depth. The presence of stripes, and their relative positions in the different frequency images (the movement of which has been dubbed the "zebra shift") is useful for determining the relative depth of different portions of a dipping planar, or curved subsurface object. Rascan images of the tree revealed a reflector that produces a zebra shift pattern reminiscent of a curved reflector. However, given the curvature of the tree trunk, the zebra shift is more likely to represent a flat reflector beneath a curved scanning surface - consistent with the presence of the sign. As an independent confirmatory method, the tree was also subjected to a magnetic survey. First, the tree was swept with a magnetic locator - which indicated a magnetic target within the tree. In order to determine the configuration of this target, magnetic total field measurements were collected at the nodes of a 3-D grid surrounding the tree. The geometry of this survey is quite different from traditional archaeological prospection magnetometer surveys and, despite the relatively high latitude of Donegal PA, the vertical orientation of the suspected target mimics the common difficulties with magnetic surveys at low magnetic latitude. Therefore, the analytic signal was calculated to provide an easily interpreted magnetic anomaly that, together with the Rascan images, suggests that the story of the swallowed Donegal road sign may be true.

3-D Modelling of Magnetic Data from an Archaeological Site in Northwestern Tlaxcala State, Mexico
Chavez, R E (, Instituto de Geofisica UNAM, CD Universitaria Circuito Exterior, Mexico, DF 04510, Mexico, et al.

In Archaeology, geophysical methods had been applied usually in a qualitative form, limited only to the use of filters that enhance the data display. The main objective in this work is the implementation of a modeling technique that allows us to reconstruct the geometry of buried bodies and the determination of their depths. This is done by means of the estimation of the magnetic moments of archaeological objects using a three- dimensional mesh of individual magnetic dipoles using the least squares method and the singular value decomposition of a weighted matrix to solve the linear problem. The distribution and shape of the underlying archaeological remains can be inferred. This methodology was applied to an archaeological site called Los Teteles de Ocotitla, in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico. A high-resolution magnetic prospection was carried out in three selected areas (terraces). The most important total field anomalies found on each area were inverted, obtaining results that were corroborated by archaeological excavations. This investigation demonstrates the potential of quantitative geophysical methods for the characterization of archaeological structures, in extension and in depth.

Archaeometric Prospection Using Electrical Survey Predictive Deconvolution (ESPD)
Glover, P W (, Université Laval, Département de géologie et de génie géologique, Québec, QC G1V 0A6, Canada

Once upon a time archaeological prospection was carried out mainly using electrical techniques. These days magnetic techniques and GPR are used by preference. However, we have shown that electrical surveying combined with the technique of predictive deconvolution is very effective at finding buried features where the shape of the feature can be predicted in advance. One such type of feature is the Grubenhaus (or sunken-featured, sunken-floored building, or SFB). Grubenhaüser exist in the archaeological record as individual well-defined oblong pits that have been filled and buried with other material. Aerial photographs at New Bewick in Northumberland, northern England (UK Grid reference NU061206) showed quasi-rectangular features similar to those on aerial photographs at the nearby Anglo-Saxon palace of Milfield (NT941339) which had been confirmed by excavation to be Grubenhaüser. Several electrical resistivity surveys were carried out over the area with an ABEM Mk II Terrameter and a multiplexing box serving 31 electrodes in line at any given time. Both double-dipole and Wenner configurations were used with an electrode spacing of 1 m. Data was acquired in blocks of 30 m by 30 m during a period of dry summer weather while the field was under young winter wheat. The Wenner array produces a characteristic 'M' or 'W' shaped response over filled in excavations such as those expected to represent a Grubenhaus. While this seems a disadvantage in the first instance, it can be used to improve the data. Such anomalies were present in the raw New Bewick data. The resulting data were analysed using 1D and 2D predictive deconvolution in order to remove the Wenner response. The deconvolution was carried out using an inverse matrix element method. The filtered results indicated the presence of an anomaly that is consistent with a Grubenhaus measuring about 5 m by 4 m and with a pit depth of 0.6 m below 0.5 m of topsoil. The results also showed broader areas of increased resistivity which have been attributed to compaction resulting from human and animal movement. Following the geophysical study the site was excavated (T. Gates and C. O'Brien "Cropmarks at Milfield and New Bewick and the Recognition of Grubenhaüser in Northumberland." Archaeologia Aeliana 5th series, Vol XVI, 1988, 1-9) and a Grubenhaus was discovered at the site. The excavated Grubenhaus measured 4.7 m by 3.9 m with a pit depth of 0.5 m below the base of the topsoil. The deconvolved Wenner data performed better than the double-dipole resistivity survey but was marginally slower.

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