Sunday, June 28, 2009

Handheld xrf and archaeology

I'll have a unit on loan from Bruker this summer to try on ceramics and maybe soils at the Etruscan site of Poggio Colla where I've been working. Cool - thanks, Bruker!

Here's what another vendor, Niton, has to see about the possibilities of handheld xrf:

With new advancements in technology, archaeometry – or the collection of quantitative data from archaeological samples – is quickly becoming one of the most trusted methods in archaeological study. As the longtime industry leader in portable XRF analysis, Thermo Fisher Scientific is uniquely capable of providing handheld nondestructive testing solutions for art and artifacts in the field, in the lab, or on the museum wall.
NITON analyzers are ideal tools to aid in a variety of applications in art and archaeology, including:
Archaeological reconnaissance survey – obtain geochemical data instantaneously
Provenance – compare sources and artifacts, build databases, and much more
Restoration – match pigments and other materials for restoration quickly and accurately
Conservation – help identify how objects have been preserved in the past, and how to better conserve them for the future by looking at elemental composition data Cultural Resource Management – identify areas of historic human activity quickly and easily
NAGPRA Compliance – ensure that traces of toxic preservatives have been removed from artifacts prior to repatriation
Dating – glean important clues to the age of petroglyphs, alloys, and other materials through elemental analysis
Authentication – help authenticate a variety of art and artifacts using elemental data

Any success stories or warnings from my many readers?

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