Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ceramic ecology session at AAA

The annual CERAMIC ECOLOGY XXIII symposium -- From the Field and Laboratory: Current Research in Ceramic Studies -- is scheduled during the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, on Saturday, December 5, 2009, 1:00-5:00 pm in Grand Ballroom Salon III, Downtown Philadelphia Marriott, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.  
The session will deal with current field and laboratory ceramic research from both the Old and New Worlds -- work that that includes the disciplines of archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, ethnography, archaeometry, and materials science. 
Traditionally, the symposiasts have dinner after the session; to help with a head count please email Charles Kolb about interest in the dinner.

See our President Sandra López Varela and Bulletin contributor Charles Kolb during the session:

Program Number:      3-141
Session Sponsor:     Archaeology Division
Session Date/Time:     Sat., 1:45 PM-5:30 PM
Organizer:     CHARLES KOLB (National Endowment Humanities)

1:45 PM:     INTRODUCTION: CHRISTOPHER POOL (University of Kentucky) 
2:00 PM:     JAMES SHEEHY (n/a) -- Potters, People, and Land in Bihar, India: a perspective from the 1961 Census of India 
2:15 PM:     RAHUL OKA (University of Notre Dame), CHAPURUKHA KUSIMBA (Field Museum, Chicago) -- Producing and Exporting “South Asian” Islamic Monochrome Glazed Wares: Import Substitution and Market Capture in the 16th and 17th centuries CE? 
2:30 PM:     TARA TETRAULT -- Tracing Variation in Vessel Manufacture and Cultural Identity through Ceramics in Ghana, West Africa 
2:45 PM:     JOHN ARTHUR (University of South Florida) -- Pottery and Caste Groups: Historical Archaeology of the Gamo Highlands of Southern Ethiopia 
3:00 PM:     JEROLYN MORRISON (n/a) -- Must Haves for the Minoan Kitchen, a Tripod Cooking Pot and a Cooking Dish 
3:15 PM:     MICHAEL SUGERMAN, JILL BIERLY (University of Massachusetts) -- Idalion: Ceramics and Identity at an Iron Age Border Town in Cyprus 
3:30 PM:     JAMES SKIBO -- Stone Boiling, Fire-Cracked Rock, and Nut Oil: Exploring the Origins of Pottery in the Upper Great Lakes 
3:45 PM:     BREAK 
4:00 PM:     ALEKSANDRA WIERUCKA (University of Gdansk, Poland) -- The Disappearing Art: the Ceramics of Quichua along the Napo River 
4:15 PM:     AMY HIRSHMAN (West Virginia University) -- Petrographic Analysis of Paste Variability in Tarascan Fine Ware Ceramics: a Preliminary Assessment 
4:30 PM:     SANDRA LOPEZ VARELA (U Autonoma Estado de Morelos) -- Institutional Imagining of Development: new inquiry field for ethnoarchaeology 
4:45 PM:     JIM WEIL (Science Museum of Minnesota), ANAYENSY HERRERA VILLALOBOS (Asesores Arqueologicos) -- Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Inferences Based on the Manufacture of Three Ceramic Pieces by Contemporary Artisans on Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula 
5:00 PM:     CHARLES KOLB (National Endowment Humanities) -- From the Field and Laboratory: Current Research in Ceramic Studies 
5:15 PM:     DISCUSSANT: CHRISTOPHER POOL (University of Kentucky)

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