Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New journal offer for SAS members

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, a new journal from Springer, covers the full spectrum of natural scientific methods with an emphasis on the archaeological contexts and the questions being studied. It bridges the gap between archaeologists and natural scientists providing a forum to encourage the continued integration of scientific methodologies in archaeological research.

This jounral is now available to SAS members for an annual discounted rate of $40 US.  You can pay using PayPal through the SAS website. An email will shortly be sent to members with instructions how to pay by check. This payment will only be recorded if you are already an SAS member, or pay the $20 membership at the same time.

Coverage in the journal includes: archaeology, geology/geophysical prospection, geoarchaeology, geochronology, palaeoanthropology, archaeozoology and archaeobotany, genetics and other biomolecules, material analysis and conservation science.

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences is also endorsed by the German Society of Natural Scientific Archaeology and Archaeometry (GNAA), the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry (HSC) and the Association of Italian Archaeometrists (AIAr).

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