Tuesday, May 31, 2011

TV's Fallen Heroes

TV's Fallen Heroes

Felicia "Snoop" Pearson

Brave Soldier:  Felicia "Snoop" Pearson of The Wire
Killed in Action:  Shot
The Wire had many fallen soldiers to offer, but few hit us so hard as Marlo's top man, er...woman Snoop, capped off by Michael Lee after he realizes that Snoop was likely to pull the trigger first.  But like they say, at least her hair looked nice.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Charlie Pace

Brave Soldier:  Charlie Pace of LOST
Killed in Action:  Drowned disabling the Looking Glass
Party on, Charlie.  LOST's saddest, and undoubtedly memorable death.  Of course, we'll ignore the fact that physics says the room should have only filled up wtih water to the porthole, if you promise to come back as a ghost with a new haircut.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Frakking EVERYBODY on Battlestar Galactica

Brave Soldier:  Background players of Battlestar Galactica
Killed in Action:  Redshirt-itis
You know, if you think about it, even those of the main cast who did manage to die didn't meet their end through war, but outside circumstance.  We suppose that's some kind of statement on the frailty of human nature.  Still, Battlestar Galactica was not a good place to be a redshirt, as countless viper pilots, soldiers and deckhands bit it through Cylon attacks, or even simple deck accidents.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Dan Turpin

Brave Soldier:  Dan Turpin of Superman: The Animated Series
Killed in Action:  Omega beams, bitch!
Every victory has its price.  And just because you've beaten the bad guy and sent Darkseid crying back to Apokolips, doesn't mean he won't turn around and vaporize the real, capeless heroes for a giggle.  Then again, if you read comics, maybe he's just floating through time...or something.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Charlie Francis

Brave Soldier:  Charlie Francis of Fringe
Killed in Action:  By a shapeshifter!  Also, bullets
Boy, those TV shows love to covertly replace beloved characters with shapeshifters.  Much as J.J. Abrams's LOST saw the Smoke Monster assuming the body of Locke, so too did Fringe's second season premiere see a bit of misdirection as it appeared that Charlie shot the shape-shifter attempting to kill Olivia, when in reality the agent had been killed and their bodies switched.
Where's an alternate universe double when you need him?

TV's Fallen Heroes

Henchman 24

Brave Soldier:  Henchman 24 of The Venture Bros.
Killed in Action:  Car intentional, plus explosion
As much as we love and miss the Ray Romano-voiced Henchman 24, we think Hank Venture best summed up both the man, and the series itself by retorting to 21:
"Oh, wasn't that the same day that a hundred gooey copies of me and my brother were mowed down by a lunatic in a spinning laser suit?! And the day that my best friend Brock left us forever?! Oh, how could I forget one of like a million guys who died on my lawn!!?"
TV's Fallen Heroes


Brave Soldier:  Varro of Spartacus: Blood and Sand
Killed in Action:   Stabbed through the shoulder
Dying in battle was the name of the game for a gladiator, but not at the hand of your own best friend during what was supposed to be an exhibition match.  Then again, if Viva Bianca had stripped down and asked for it, we'd have probably caved too.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Ianto Jones

Brave Soldier: Ianto Jones of Torchwood
Killed in Action:  Deadly, deadly virus
Frequent unintentional comic relief and fan-favorite love interest to Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones met his bitter end inside the Thames house, as the 456 released a deadly virus that put the character's death in the arms of his lover.  WHY COULDN'T THIS HAVE HAPPENED DURINGTORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY?!  NO ONE DIES IN TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY!
Reaction to the demise was so strong that fans put together petitions and charities in the hopes of resurrecting the character, but as Joss Whedon would say, love must die.  Especially controversial love.
TV's Fallen Heroes


Brave Soldier:  Carter Hall of Smallville
Killed in Action:  Fell off a building, on fire
You know, the episode was titled "Icarus,"  and there's a guy with wings.  We probably should have seen this coming.  Thankfully, Smallville's Hawkman shares the power of reincarnation with his comic counterpart, so he'll be fine in a couple of years.
TV's Fallen Heroes


Brave Soldier:  Kip "Half-Sack" Epps of Sons of Anarchy
Killed in Action:  Stabby McStab Stabbed
Season finale or no, you never expect a main character to bite the dust.  At least Half-Sack (yes, his name represents exactly what it sounds like) went out nobly, stabbed by Cameron Hayes in an effort to protect young Abel. 
Johnny Lewis left the series due to creative differences, but thankfully character's memory went untainted as no one shot up the funer...oh.  Someone shot up the funeral.  Dern.

TV's Fallen Heroes

Bryce Larkin

Brave Soldier:  Bryce Larkin of Chuck
Killed in Action:  Gunshot wounds from The Ring
We're still not convinced Bryce is dead given his propensity to return (and Matt Bomer insists to us he doesn't know anything), but we're betting that with Chuck's upcoming final season and Matt's cushy gig on White Collar, we should count Bryce Larkin among the honored dead.  Shame, that.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Anya Jenkins

Brave Soldier:  Anya Jenkins of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Killed in Action:  Bisection by Bringer
Well, its a series finale, so someone's gotta bite it, right?  Poor Anya literally never saw it coming that she wouldn't survive the final battle for Sunnydale, but at least she's off to that big bunny-free cloud in the sky.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Brian Cooper

Brave Soldier:  Brian Cooper of The Wonder Years
Killed in Action:  In Vietnam
Elder brother of Winnie Cooper, we only saw Brian and his luscious hair for all of three episodes before he was drafted and killed in Vietnam, a death that hung over Winnie the entire series.  What a mope.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Caitlin Todd

Brave Soldier:  Caitlin Todd of NCIS
Killed in Action:  By a sniper
Ain't that a bee?  You take one in the chest, luckily saved by your bulletproof vest, only to get capped through the head moments later by a sniper!  And if anybody actually watched this show, that'd be a pretty big deal.
TV's Fallen Heroes

James Doakes

Brave Soldier:  James Doakes of Dexter
Killed in Action:  Kablooey!
After two seasons of suspicion, James Doakes finally uncovered Dexter's murderous moonlighting as the Bay Harbor Butcher, and though caught, posed a very interesting challenge for the show to deal with.  So they just had Lilah blow him up.  That's convenient, right?

TV's Fallen Heroes

The Lone Gunmen

Brave Soldier:  The Lone Gunmen of The X-Files
Killed in Action:  Sacrificed themselves to poison gas
Sheesh, it wasn't bad enough that The Lone Gunmen had   a failed spin-off under their belt, Chris Carter had to kill them off in one of the last few X-Files episodes, bravely sacrificing themselves to stop the outbreak of a deadly virus.
At the very least, it was less agonizing than the X-Files' series finale.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Ellen and Jo Harvelle

Brave Soldier:  Ellen and Jo Harvelle of Supernatural
Killed in Action:  Explosion!  A nasty one, too
Supernatural rarely pulls any punches with killing off beloved characters, but seems oddly inconsistent as to the importance of death given the angel on their side who can simply pull anyone up or down at the drop of a trenchcoat. 
Still, the sacrificial explosion of Ellen and Jo was quite a nail-biter, and we don't just mean the iron nails that were likely impaled through their faces.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Wesley Wyndam-Price (And Fred)

Brave Soldier:  Wesley Wyndam-Pryce of Angel
Killed in Action:  Death by rule of Series Finale
It's the series finale to Angel, and all of the Buffyverse.  Someone, if not everyone's bound to end up dead.  Leave it to Wesley of course, who at that point had already had the tragedy piled on him when he watched his only love take ill and die, replaced by a blue undead she-god wearing her skin.  Oh well, there's always the comics.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Jadzia Dax

Brave Soldier:  Jadzia Dax of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Killed in Action:  By Gul Dukat's...Pah...Wraith...beam
Lots of great Star Trek deaths to choose from, between Tasha Yar and Christopher Pike (hey, that ain't livin') but none so heartbreaking as watching Jadzia Dax struck down by Gul Dukat while the rest of the crew fought off the Cardassians.
Wait, we can just replace her?  And the new Dax is even cuter?  Huzzah!
TV's Fallen Heroes

Derek Reese

Brave Soldier:  Derek Reese of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Killed in Action:  Terminated!
Poor Derek Reese didn't get so much as an "I'll be back" before he rounded the corner and took one in the face from an unfriendly terminator.  Of course, we were supposed to keep on with Derek when John travelled to an alternate future, but wouldn't you know it, FOX then shot the show in the face.

TV's Fallen Heroes

Bobby Baccalieri

Brave Soldier:  Bobby Baccalieri of The Sopranos
Killed in Action:  Mob hit...with bullets
With us since the second season, Bobby Baccalieri wanted nothing more than to play with trains when he found himself in the crossfire of a power consolidation from New York.  And Silvio survived, but...not well.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Simon Donovan

Brave Soldier:  Simon Donovan of The West Wing
Killed in Action:  Shot in a hold-up
A Secret Service agent, and the best death Simon Donovan could muster was to be capped off by some unseen punk in a seemingly stalled grocery store hold-up.  Well, thats what you get in TV land for finally finding a loving relationship.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Curtis "Lem" Lemansky

Brave Soldier:  Curtis "Lem" Lemansky of The Shield
Killed in Action:  Grenade to the face!
We all knew that the members of The Shield were in for some nasty falls, either in the line or duty or by each other's corrupt hands.  Still, did the good natured Lem really deserve a grenade thrown into his car?  Then again, given Shane's own inglorious exit taking down his wife and son, the guy had something of a sadistic streak.
TV's Fallen Heroes

Colonel Henry Blake

Brave Soldier:  Colonel Henry Blake of *M*A*S*H*
Killed in Action:  Over the sea of Japan.  It spun in.
Of MASH's many fallen soldiers, only one death hit us right in the gut.  Of course, that has largely to do with the fact that he wasn't killed in any actual battle, but rather that when all was said and done Henry Blake's already-sad departure spun into tragedy when his return flight was shot down, as Radar blithely announced.
TV's Fallen Heroes

All of CTU (Except Jack Bauer)

The Fallen:  Curtis Manning, Edgar Stiles, Bill Buchanan...and it goes on like this for 24
Killed in Action:  Existing around Jack Bauer
Chances are if you so much as know Jack Bauer, you're going to meet some brutal end, like Bill Buchanan taking on a bomb, Edgar getting caught in some nerve gas, or even poor Curtis Manning, popped by Jack for looking at a terrorist funny.  But hey, its patriotism.

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