Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fancy Footwork

After trying on pair after pair of new shoes in recent weeks, I finally found what I was looking for (at left). Getting new shoes is no big deal for most people, it is a bit of a challenging for many of us with DMD, whose feet have turned inward as a result of the disease. My old pair had grown molded to the shape of my feet over the years, but they were at least 15 years old and falling apart at the seams, as you can clearly see below.

I was pretty pessimistic that I would ever find anything as comfortable as my old shoes. While being unable to wear shoes isn't the end of the world, it would have been one more thing this disease has taken from me. Why let that happen if I could help it? With my nurse's assistance, I found a pair of wide-width shoes a couple sizes larger than my actual size (it's not as if I'm going to walk in them) and voila, my feet slid right inside. It was love at first, um, feel. I bought them and wore them out of store.

With any luck, my new shoes and I will both make it another 15 years!

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