Friday, August 1, 2008

Not Just a Voice Anymore

You can only get to know people so well when your only interaction with them is over the phone. For example, I have spoken to many people over the years at the Jewish Employment and Vocational Services (JEVS), which provides my attendant care services. But until today, when I addressed JEVS staff at their monthly meeting, I never had the opportunity to meet many of them.

With me are (from left) Director of Operations and Marketing Dina Sanz; Administrative Assistant Yakelin Cornejo; Service Coordinator Bridget Grabill; and Attendant Care Program Director Jim Boyar.

In my talk, I described my experience with attendant care services, which has been positive overall, but I have my share of attendants who were unreliable, unpleasant, or both. I briefly discussed my disability and its impact on my life and explained how I have always strived to live as normally as possible. Of course, I mentioned my book and was asked several questions about it.

Now that the entire JEVS staff knows who I am, there's no way for me to remain anonymous. I can only imagine what it will be like the next time I call: "Winheld? Oh, aren't you that famous writer who spoke at our meeting?"

More like infamous. But yeah, I'm that guy!

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