Thursday, February 19, 2009

Apple Says Noooo to South Park App for the iPhone

(image found on
Creating a cool app for the iPhone is never an easy task. Because once it is made, Apple still needs to decide whether to allow it or not at the App Store. Well now there is one more app that won't be offered according to apple.

"The latest App to get the denial letter from Apple was from South Park Digital Studios. The company behind the popular cartoon Series South Park wanted to sell an app on the App Store that would provide fans of the show with easy access to clips from episodes and other content.

Apple says that the application for the app was denied because the app could be "potentially offensive" to some users. The interesting part is that the App Store is chocked full of apps that make boobs jiggle in images and produce fart sound effects.

The studio says that it applied more than once for approval for its app, but that it was denied each time. The studio said in a statement, "At this point, we are sad to say, the app is dead in the water. Sorry, South Park fans."

Wow, this is so just wrong. Face it folks, everyone who knows what South Park is knows it is the best show to insult everyone and create a great laugh while they do it. I think someone at Apple doesn't like the show and is now sticking it to the fans of South Park because of their dislikes of the great show.

I wonder if anyone has considered opening up another App Store that people could go to without the approval of Big Brother Apple for content? Might be an interesting new place to create to help people get the cool app they desire but not available from the App store.

Apple Vetos South Park iPhone App (Daily Tech)

Apple rejects South Park game for iPhone over "offensive" content (TG Daily)

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