Friday, March 6, 2009

Unauthorized Apple iPhone App stores hit the marketplace

(image found on cnet news)
For the longest time if you wanted to get an app for your iPhone or iPod touch device you had to go through the apple iTunes store. But, now things have changed and there are three new options on the horizon.

The first one is called Cydia. Created by Computer Science genius Jay "Saurik" Freeman, age 27. Cydia was created as an open source distribution center offering independent developers and option to create software and offer it to end users without the approval of apple. There are hundreds of appz currently available with over 350,000 users and growing for this site.

But, be forewarned if you desire to use appz from this site you will need to "Jailbreak" your phone to make it able to install this appz. Here is an article here from Lifehacker on how to do it(click me). You should be forewarned that if something does goes wrong your iPhone will become a brick. The good thing is, it does seems possible to fix this problem, but it will cost you a few bucks too.

The second site is called "Rock your Phone". This site does not require you to "Jailbreak" your phone to install the appz they will be offering.

Then there is a third one but i didn't get wind of the name yet. But, I did find out it is scheduled to offer a series of adult oriented games on it for your iPhone or iPod touch device.

I am sure Apple is a bit pissed but they should have seen this coming because there are so many thousands of appz that Apple turns away and they were bound to come to the public market eventually.

Unauthorized iPhone app stores emerging (cnet news)

New online 'app' stores offer new shopping experience (
Other App Stores Look for Slice of Apple (

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