Writing Feverishly
There's nothing like a fever and a touch of a stomach virus to get the creative, uh, juices flowing. So I thought I'd take this opportunity to update my loyal readers (if any of you are still out there) on my life over the past three months...
1. I finally completed my thesis proposal. Yes, at 2 a.m. last Friday, I e-mailed it to my advisor. Essentially, I'll be conducting a series of interviews with housing developers in Philadelphia to describe their attitudes toward accessibility regulations as well as toward people with disabilities. Ordinarily, writing a proposal would not be earth-shattering news. However, six years ago, when I left school, I not only thought I would never return, but I wasn't sure how much longer I'd live. But thanks to the support of some wonderful friends (Art, Lauren, Emma, Caroline, Pat, Kathie and Julie to name just a few), I decided to go back and finish what I started (gulp) nine years ago. I'm almost there!
2. I switched nursing agencies. I cannot function without the care of nurses. So when the nursing agency I had been with for six years since my tracheotomy could no longer consistently cover my shifts, it was time to make a move. However, my nurses all came with me to the new agency, which saved me the time and stress of having to train an entire new staff of nurses.
3. I had a cardiac scare. After a couple of sleepless nights in December, with my heart pounding through my chest, I saw my cardiologist. He ordered a Holter monitor, the results of which indicated repeated episodes of ventricular tachycardia ("v-tach"), he increased my beta-blocker. As a result, I have felt colder and more tired. But no v-tach. It's a trade-off I'm willing to live with, the operative word being "live"!
4. I hired a self-publisher. My book has proven to be a big hit. Keeping it in a print is therefore a priority. About a month ago, I submitted my book to a self-publisher. The new edition should look almost the same, including the cover. The nice thing is that sales will be on an on-demand basis, meaning I won't have to manage any inventory. When everything is set up, I'll be sure to post an announcement.
So that's it in a nutshell. I'm so glad March is here already, which means that warmer weather and Phillies baseball are just around the corner...
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