Monday, April 13, 2009

Archaeometry at SAA - Friday, 4/24

Here are some sessions heavier on archaeometry
(by my reckoning) for Friday. But search for that archaeometric gem that is part of some other session.

And don't forget to enjoy Atlanta, with Coke!

Room: Marquis Ballroom Salon B
Time: 8:00 AM–9:45 AM
Organizer and Chair: Robert Speakman

8:00 Hector Neff—Twenty Years of Ceramic Provenance Research at MURR
8:15 Ron Bishop, M. James Blackman and Erin L. Sears—Toward a Common Pool: INAA research in Mesoamerica
8:30 Robert Speakman, Darrell Creel and Myles Miller—New Perspectives on Mimbres Pottery Production and Exchange
8:45 Robert Tykot—Mike's Multiple Methods at MURR for Mediterranean Obsidian Sourcing
9:00 Cyndi Charlton and Thomas H. Charlton—The Malpaís Obsidian Source Area in the Basin of Mexico
9:15 Barbara Stark—Discussant
9:30 Michael Glascock—Discussant

Room: Marquis Ballroom Salon A
Time: 8:00 AM–12:00 PM
Organizer and Chair: Gyles Iannone

8:00 Jim Aimers and Gyles Iannone—Introduction: The Dynamics of Ancient Maya Developmental History
8:15 Gyles Iannone, Jason Yaeger and David Hodell—The Great Maya Droughts: A Critical Introduction
8:30 Nicholas Dunning, McCormick Carmen, Timothy Beach and John Jones—Drought and the Preclassic-Classic transition in NE Peten and NW Belize
8:45 Tom Sever, Robert Griffin, Udaysankar Nair and Matthew Welch—Agricultural Land Use, Deforestation, and Drought Severity
9:00 Kitty Emery and Erin K. Thornton—Effects of Precipitation Variation on Wetland Habitat Use as Reflected by Animal Remains from Maya Archaeological Sites
9:15 Antoine Repussard, Henry P. Schwarcz, Kitty F. Emery, Erin K. Thornton and Jonathon Malatesta—Oxygen Isotopes from Maya Archaeological Deer Remains: Experiments in Tracing Drought using Bones and Teeth
9:30 David Webster—Maya Drought and Niche Inheritance
9:45 George Brook, Holley Moyes, Jaime Awe and James Webster—Stalagmite Evidence from Belize Indicating Significant Droughts During the Classic Maya Era
10:00 Holley Moyes, James Webster, Jaime Awe and George Brook—Ritual and the Environment: Evidence for a Late Classic Drought Cult in Western Belize
10:15 Matt O'Mansky and Arthur Demarest—Water, Politics, and the Earliest Manifestations of the Classic Maya Collapse: A Holistic Perspective from the Western Maya Kingdoms
10:30 Andrew Scherer and Charles Golden—Water in the West: Chronology and Collapse of the Classic Maya River Kingdoms
10:45 Arlen Chase and Diane Chase—A Drought of Thought: The Maya Collapse in the Southern Lowlands
11:00 Fred Valdez and Vernon Scarborough—The Prehistoric Maya of Northern Belize: Issues of Drought and Cultural Transformations
11:15 Doug Kennett, Patrick Bartlein, Kevin Cannariato, Yemane Asmerom and Megan Walsh—The Complex Role of Climate Change in Socioeconomic Integration and Fragmentation in the Southern Maya Lowlands
11:30 Keith Prufer, Brendan Culleton, Bruce Winterhalder, Jaime Awe and Douglas Kennett—Modeling Complex Human Behavioral Responses to Climate Change in the Eastern Periphery of the Maya Lowlands
11:45 David Hodell and Jason Yaeger—Understanding the Role of Climate Change in the Maya Past: Toward a Multidisciplinary Collaborative Methodology

(Sponsored by Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology)
Room: M102
Time: 8:30 AM–12:00 PM
Organizers and Chairs: Ximena Villagran and Silvia Peixoto

8:30 Ximena Villagran and Daniela Klokler—Building coastal landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology as tools to understand ritual shell deposits
8:45 Scott Fitzpatrick and Torben Rick—Cataclysmic Events in Coastal Archaeology
9:00 Roger Wikell and Mattias Pettersson—Show me your shore - and I can tell who you are
9:15 Winifred Creamer, Jonathan Haas, Jesus Holguin and Edward Jakaitis—Far from the Shore: The role of Marine Resources in the Late Archaic (3000 to 1800 B.C.) Norte Chico Region of Peru
9:30 Karen Coutts, John Krigbaum and Alejandro Chu—Inferences of social complexity in Preceramic Period (3000-1800B.C.) Peru revealed through isotopic analyses at the Bandurria site
9:45 Colin Grier, Patrick Dolan and Kelly Derr—Managing Coastscapes: Long-term Processes of Settlement and Coastal Landform Development in the Gulf Islands of Southern British Columbia, Canada
10:00 Paulo DeBlasis and Paulo C. F. Giannini—Dynamics and interaction of geological and archaeological processes in the Southern coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil
10:15 Jennifer Perry—Island Interiors and Coastal Interfaces on the California Channel Islands
10:30 Carola Flores Fernandez and Bernardo Broitman—A critical review of the use of ecological data and the anthropological applications of coastal archaeology around the world
10:45 Marcello Mannino, Kenneth D. Thomas, Sebastiano Tusa, Emiliano Tufano and Michael P. Richards—Becoming insular? Human responses to climate change and rising sea levels along the coasts of western Sicily from the Late Pleistocene to the Mid-Holocene
11:00 Rebecca Knapp—Space and Society: Spatial Analysis of Dorset Palaeoeskimo Slate Tools at the Phillip’s Garden Site
11:15 Silvia Peixoto—Formation processes of the small-size shellmounds located at the southern coast of Brasil
11:30 Lauren Willis, Andrew Boehm and Torben Rick—Coastlines, Canyon Bottoms, and Rockshelters: Human Settlement Strategies in Lobo Canyon, Santa Rosa
Island, California
11:45 Andre Colonese, Jordi Estévez Escalera, Edgard Camaros and Ester Verdun—Integrated Archaeozoological Research Of Shell Middens: New Insights Into Yamana Coastal Exploitation In The Tierra Del Fuego (Argentina)

Room: Marquis Lobby
Time: 12:00 PM–2:00 PM
Organizer and Chair: Richard Terry

100-a Eric Coronel, Richard Terry, Daniel Bair, Rachel Bair and Chelsea Katseanes—An Ethnographic study of Soil Geochemical Signatures of Butchering Activities at the Contemporary Maya Village of Telchaquillo, Yucatan
100-b Chris Balzotti, Richard Burnett and Richard Terry—Vegetation and Soil Resources of the Ancient Maya site of Ramonal, near Tikal, Guatemala
100-c Daniel Bair, Richard Terry, Bruce Dahlin and Marilyn Masson—Soil Geochemical Analysis of Public Squares at the Postclassic City of Mayapan, Yucatan
100-d Richard Terry, Daniel Bair and David Anderson—Geochemical Soil Analysis of a Possible Preclassic Marketplace and Other Features at Xtobo, Yucatan, Mexico
100-e Gordon Rees, Richard Terry and Chris Balzotti—Soil Resources of the Ancient
Maya at Tecolote in the Usumacinta River Basin

(Sponsored by Society for Archaeological Sciences)
Room: M103
Time: 1:00 PM–4:45 PM
Organizer and Chair: Maria Masucci

1:00 Maria Masucci—Fabric and Culture: Technological Change in Ecuadorian “Finger-Painted” Pottery
1:15 George Pevarnik—Not Everything that Glitters is Gold and not Every Whitish Aplastic is Quartz: Theoretical and Methodological Implications for Pottery Analyses and Interpretations
1:30 Patrick Quinn and Margie Burton—Ceramic Petrography, Craft Technology and Cultural Identity in Pre-Contact Southern California
1:45 Yukiko Tonoike—Beyond Style: Petrographic analysis of Dalma ceramics in two regions of Iran
2:00 David Hill—Regional Mobility and the Sources of Ceramics Recovered in Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas
2:15 Thomas Charlton and María Eugenia Guevara Mendoza—Petrographic and INAA Studies of Teotihuacan Period Ceramics from Rural Sites
2:30 Sophia Kelly, Gordon Moore, David Abbott and Christopher Watkins—Technological Choices Related to Sand Temper Selection in Perry Mesa Plainware Pottery
2:45 Jerolyn Morrison and Mara T. Horowitz—Studies in Replicating Bronze Age Cooking Fabrics from Two Mediterranean Sites
3:00 Miriam Cantor—Petrographic and Microprobe Analysis of Plain Ware from Chogha Sefid to Determine Cultural Origin
3:15 Sandra Lopez—New routes for characterization studies: analyzing the process of modernity
3:30 Anabel Ford, Frank Spera and Brianne Catlin—Nothing Is Simple: Identifying The Source of Late Classic Maya Volcanic Ash
3:45 Evangelia Kiriatzi—Beyond Provenance: Ceramic petrology as Tool in the Reconstruction of Technological Landscapes
4:00 Marie-Claude Boileau—Integrating macro-feature analysis to ceramic petrography for the identification of technological traditions
4:15 John Hoopes—Discussant
4:30 Charles Kolb—Discussant

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