Saturday, April 11, 2009

Archaeometry at SAA - Thursday, 4/23

There will be lots of archaeometry at the upcoming Society of American Archaeology meeting. I'll extract some sessions from the program which (in my opinion) are largely archaeometric in nature. But please browse the program yourself for those many archaeometric presentations that are appropriately integrated into other sessions.

So here are some sessions for Thursday, 23 April, just one day of the four-day meeting. More to come.

Room: M304
Time: 8:15 AM−9:15 AM
Chair: Jennifer Marla Toyne
8:15 Danielle Kurin and Enmanuel Gomez—"Aguerridos Chanka": A Bioarchaeological Study of Group Violence in Peruvian Prehistory
8:30 Peter Kakos—The Fertility Zone: Body Fat, Hormonal Responses, and the Effects on Population Growth
8:45 Benjamin Fuller, Colin Smith, Kyungcheol Choy and Michael Richards— Development of an LC-IRMS technique to measure carbon stable isotopes in
amino acids from archaeological bone collagen
9:00 Jennifer Marla Toyne—The violence that ended it all: Bioarchaeological analysis of interpersonal trauma at the site of Kuelap, Chachapoyas, Peru

Room: Marquis Ballroom Salon A
Time: 11:00 AM–11:45 AM
Chair: Amanda Evans
11:00 James Allison—The Use of Confidence Intervals for Calibrated Radiocarbon Dates
11:15 Amanda Evans, Graziela da Silva, Patrick Hesp, Jennifer Gardner and Barry Keim—Oceanographic and Geomorphological Impacts to Potential Submerged
Prehistoric Sites
11:30 Michael Faught—Comparison of Averaged Ages of Early Sites in the Western Hemisphere

Room: M106/107
Time: 1:00 PM–3:00 PM
Organizer and Chair: Kimberlee Moran
1:00 Vaughn Bryant—Pollen: A valuable technique for forensic archaeology
1:15 Nicole wall, Karl J. Reinhard and Matthias I. Okoye—Determining Location of Homicide through Palynology
1:30 Nick Loizou—Entomology and archaeology – The effects of carbon dioxide on larval development
1:45 Susan White—Chemistry and Forensic Archaeology –A Marriage Made In Heaven
2:00 Karl Reinhard, Michael Welner, Matthias I. Okoye and Melissa Marotta— Applying Anthropological Data to the Welner Depravity Standard of Depravity
2:15 Melissa Connor—Professionalism in forensic archaeology: Transitioning from ‘cowboy of science’ to ‘officer of the court’
2:30 Richard Gould—Handling the Handoff: Seamless Transitioning from Field to Laboratory in Forensic Investigations
2:45 Mike Hochrein—Convincing LEO: Successful Interaction between the Archaeologist and Law Enforcement Officials in Crime Scene Investigations

Room: M104/105
Time: 1:00 PM–3:30 PM
Chairs: Edward Knell and Meredith Wismer
1:00 Christopher Noll and William Andrefsky, Jr.—Late Holocene Occupation Of The Birch Creek Site (35ML181), Southeastern Oregon
1:15 A. Dudley Gardner, William Gardner, Gabrielle Elliott and Laura Pasacret–High
Elevation Cultivation at Middle Latitudes in Northwest Colorado from ca. 500 - 1500 BP
1:30 Robert Nash—The Role of Maize in Low-Level Food Production Economies of Northeastern Utah
1:45 Frederick Lange—Archaeological and Geomorphological Research at the McSweeny Farms Project
2:00 Seetha Reddy—Seeds of Change: Intensive Plant Exploitation in Protohistoric coastal Southern California
2:15 Edward Knell and Matthew E. Hill—Cody Bones and Stone: Regional Variation in Cody Complex Foraging Behavior
2:30 Meredith Wismer—A New Analysis of Bison Subsistence at Cherokee Sewer, Iowa
2:45 Susan Lukowski and Colin Grier—Zooarchaeological Investigations of Household Economics at the Dionisio Point Site, southwestern British Columbia, Canada
3:00 Justin Lev-Tov and Sarah Wollwage—Mission Period Impacts on Hunting and Fishing along Santa Monica Bay, Southern California
3:15 John Robbins—Stable isotopes and marine temperatures from CA-SRI-147 (ca. 7300 to 350 CYBP)

Room: M303
Time: 2:15 PM–4:45 PM
Chair: Jeffrey Rasic
2:15 Magen Coleman, Jeffrey Ferguson, Michael D. Glascock, J. David Robertson and Stanley Ambrose—Further Studies into the Geochemistry of Obsidian from Kenya
2:30 David Purcell—Ground Stone Manufacturing at the Great Basin/Southwest Interface
2:45 Jim Railey—The Bow and Arrow and Changes in Debitage Assemblages
3:00 Julie Esdale—Archaic Raw Material Procurement and Tool Production Strategies in the North
3:15 Karen Caffrey, Michael R. Bever, Matthew T. Boulanger and Michael D. Glascock—Chemical Variation in Edwards Chert from the Callahan Divide, Texas
3:30 Adam Nazaroff and Lee Drake—Examining the Validity of PXRF for Obsidian
Sourcing in the Maya Lowlands
3:45 Andrew Riddle and Alexandra Sumner—Making Tool-Making Tools: A Comparative Technological Analysis of Burin and Burin-Like Tool Production in the Eastern North American Arctic
4:00 Jeffrey Rasic—A Functional Classification for Stone Tool Caches
4:15 Jim Cassidy—On the Enigmatic Stone-Tool Reamers from the Early Holocene Component at Eel Point, San Clemente Island, California
4:30 Javier Iñañez, Jaume Buxeda i Garrigós, Vassilis Kilikoglou, Amelia Rodríguez
Rodríguez and Robert J. Speakman—Obsidian From Canary Islands (Spain): A
Multidisciplinary Investigation

Room: Imperial Ballroom Salon A
Time: 6:00 PM–8:00 PM
Organizer: James Daniels
Chair: Hector Neff
6:00 Kristin Safi, Hector Neff, Carl Lipo and Oswaldo Chinchilla—Measuring spatial organization at El Baul, Cotzumalguapa, Guatemala
6:15 Tony Quach, John G. Jones and Hector Neff—Paleoenvironmental Investigations of the Tecojate Region of Coastal Guatemala and Implications for
the Classic Maya Collapse
6:30 Adrian Abella and Dr. Hector Neff—Innovative Analytical Techniques in Coastal Guatemalan Archaeology
6:45 James Daniels—Using Distributional Archaeology and GIS to Determine Functionality of Subsurface Structures Detected with Geophysics at El Baul
7:00 Brigitte Kovacevich, Rafael Castillo, Molly Morgan and Hector Neff—The Use of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) on Obsidian Microdebitage: Case Studies from Chiquiuitan and El Baúl
7:15 Maureen Lynch—The Effects of Moisture on Ground Penetrating Radar in La Blanca, Guatemala
7:30 Victor Castillo, Hector Neff, Ronald Bishop and M. James Blackman—Mold made figurines from the South Coast of Guatemala: sources of raw material and proveniences
7:45 Barbara Arroyo—Discussant

Room: M304
Time: 8:30 PM–9:45 PM
Chair: Clare Tolmie
8:30 James Enloe, Francine David, Vladimir D’Iatchenko, Michel Girard and Maurice Hardy—Middle Paleolithic Spatial Analysis in Caves: Discerning humans from hyenas at Arcy-sur-Cure, France
8:45 Nikolaas van der Merwe—The Rain on the Serengeti Plain: Climatic change in
Tanzania during past 1.5 million years
9:00 Erik Otarola-Castillo, Benjamin Schoville and Janni Pedersen—Are Pleistocene Engravings The Result Of Symbolic Behavior Or A Random Process?
9:15 Jonathan Thomas and Grant McCall—Experimental Replication and Scanning Electron Microscopy of a Possibly Worked Middle Stone Age Hematite Bead from the Central Namib Gravel Plains, Western Namibia
9:30 Clare Tolmie—Faunal remains from Abri Cellier, France

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