Saturday, September 19, 2009

Catching Up

Back when I was a student at Temple University, I hired several student helpers to assist me on campus. Due varying class schedules (mine and theirs), most helped me for only a semester or two and then pretty much disappeared from my life.

So you can imagine my surprise when, a few months after writing a guest column for Temple's alumni magazine, I received an e-mail from Nicole (in the picture above). I instantly recalled how she had been one of my favorite helpers. We had lost touch shortly before graduation.

After e-mailing back and forth a few times over the past year, Nicole, who hails from New York, stopped by today to see me and to catch up on old times. Though we graduated college nearly 10 years ago, Nicole hasn't aged one bit and has the same engaging personality that made look forward to seeing her every day. We talked and talked and talked some more today (certainly no stretch for me). We took some photos and then I presented her with the very last first-edition copy of my book. Hopefully, that made her trip Worth the Ride . My only regret is that Nicole doesn't live near Philadelphia.

Have a safe trip home, Nicole. Come back to visit soon!

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