Thursday, April 8, 2010

Apple's iPhone Software 4.0 preview

Earlier today if you were like a lot of us, you were glued to the tweets from those who were lucky enough to attend Apple's preview of the New iPhone Software 4.0. It was nothing short of spectacular. The long anticipated rumors were true, Multi-tasking on the iPhone for 3rd party apps is finally here.

There has been a long time misconception that the iPhone did not multi-task. Well actually it does but only with Apple software. For the longest time before it did not allow multi-taking with third party apps. But, in the new preview of Apple iPhone OS 4.0 we got a great show of multi-taking iPhone style. It was a great sight too see. So it means that "users will finally be able to switch back and forth between applications like Pandora and Skype without having to shut down the app entirely to enter a new one. "

There were so many great new things shown to us today, I don't know where to begin.

You know one of the great things about the iPhone is the appz and you know one of the bad things about the iPhone is too many appz. Well Apple has a solution for that. Now you can choose your icon as if you were going to move it then drop it onto another icon. It will automatically create a folder with both items inside. This is awesome, especially for people with a ton of appz. It lets you create a few folders to hold all those goodies. Plus, you can add as many folders as you like.

Email & Exchange Accounts:
No more in and one of one email into another. Now you can have multiple email accounts in one box. Plus, now there is great news for people in the business world who use Exchange Server. The new 4.0 offers support for multiple Exchange accounts, with a quick ability to switch between them.

Currently only available on the new Apple iPad. But that is about to change because now it will be available on the iPhone & iPod Touch. It looks like the same kind of layout with a nice wood bookcase just in a smaller format.

There will be some new options for network admins, with abilities to push new iPhone apps wireless without having users have to hook up to a computer. Plus, enhanced data protection with an ability to access multiple Microsoft Exchange Accounts on one iPhone device. Also, it comes with new support Microsoft Exchange 2010 and SSL VPM's from Juniper and Cisco.

Apple heads into the mobile advertising market by creating ad's that make a person want to click on them. Apple is looking at huge money opportunities for this new market. Steve Jobs even commented that Apple wants to help Developers cash in on some of the mobile advertising revenue.

Later on this year Apple is looking at creating a one stop shop for Social Networking, Dating and Games. There wasn't much of a demo of this new spot. But, it was mentioned that people don't want to go all over the place but have one place to have it all. So Apple I'm game to see this GameCenter live and see how people take too it. With all the people who own iPhones/iPod Touches and no iPads, there could be an interesting new following coming up.

There were a whole other host of great new features offered. Head over to Apple and catch the quicktimes of today's event and be amazed all over again.

There were alot of expectations about a new iPhone and even some talk about possibly a Verzion iPhone too. But, today there was nothing mentioned about that. It was stickly iPhone OS 4.0.

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