Thursday, April 1, 2010

Steve Jobs hits front page of Time Magazine - April 12, 2010 issue

Just in time for the Apple iPad release, Time magazine has the man himself Steve Jobs featured on the front cover of its upcoming issue (April 12, 2010).

Steve is interview by British Actor Stephen Fry. He gives us a look into the new Apple iPad, his career and his amazing life.

Some great wording about the article was found on AppleInsider, Thursday April 1, 2010 segment on this issue.

"I think the experience of using an iPad is going to be profound for many people," Jobs reportedly said. "I really do. Genuinely profound."

Fry asked Jobs if he believes the iPad is the high point of his career, and if the CEO intends to go out on top, given his recent health issues. In January 2009, Jobs took a leave of absence from Apple due to health-related issues, leaving Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook at the helm. Jobs eventually returned to work in June after receiving a liver transplant.

"I don't think of my life as a career," Jobs told Fry. "I do stuff. I respond to stuff. That's not a career -- it's a life!"

In addition to Jobs, Fry also spoke with Jonathan Ive, senior vice president of industrial design; Phil Schilller, senior VP of worldwide product marketing; and Eddy Cue, VP of Internet services. Schiller said while many have criticized the iPad as being "just a big iPhone," he actually views that comment as a compliment.

"Luckily, millions of people have those, so there is an instant ease and familiarity when they first encounter the iPad," he said. "As for everything else, it's not about the features -- it's about the experience. You just have to try it to see what I mean."

Fry also asked Ive about features missing from the iPad, such as a forward-facing camera for video conferencing.

"In many ways, it's the things that are not there that we are most proud of," Ive said in the latest issue of Time. "For us, it is all about refining and refining until it seems like there's nothing between the user and the content they are interacting with."

This awesome issue will also feature a history of the tablet computer by author Lev Grossman with some interesting perspectives on how things have influenced the Apple iPad. I would definitely recommend you pick this issue up and keep it aside. Because one day years from now it will most likely be a collectors item.

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