Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chinese Farmer Creates Working Flying Saucer

Photo found on the Nation

A self educated 46 year old Chinese farmer has created a home-made working flying saucer. Shu Mansheng of the Hubei Province created a working craft (shown above) that he was able to get up to two metres off the ground while sitting in the center cabin. The craft is powered by eight propeller engines (modified motorcycle engines) with an invested cost of 60,000 yuan ($9,400 Dollars US).

With this device he is planning on visiting schools and showing children the amazing things someone can create when they set their mind to it. Hoping to inspire young minds with his flying craft. He has also mentioned an interested in opening a school for children who have an interest in his various projects. He has said "My dream is to establish a special school where kids would be able to learn all sorts of things they don’t teach in ordinary schools.”

Photos found on odditycentral.com

Shu a man with basic school education taught himself electronics and mechanics. In the past Shu tried building another flying saucer but unfortunately it didn't take off. He had also created two jet engines to thrust two planes up into the air but because of technical difficulties they crashed and burned. One had a tire fault while the other plane crashed on take off.

I think its pretty amazing to see what people can do that take the time to self educate themselves and be productive in society. I look forward to seeing what other interesting devices Shu and his students will create in the future.

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