Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"America-the World's Largest Business Park"

     This is my main meal today, in keeping with a vow to eat on $7.22 a day or less until July, 2012.

     My current daily exercise regimen includes a 6-mile circular route through the Washington County, Oregon goes, 'house...over the freeway...mall...mall...mall...over the freeway then back to house', with many business parks, sidewalks, apartments, roads, mini-vans, SUV's, clogged roads, and aimless teenagers holding I-phones, skateboards and mascara brushes.

     These days there are two places I prefer to sit, observe humanity, and log on to my blog;  Starbucks inside the Cornelius Pass Fred Meyer, your One-Stop Shopping Center featuring "Price Blaster...Your Very Best Deals For Back-To-School"...or, Barnes and Noble Books selling authentic books with actual covers and real pages, plus the colorful 'Bird Lady' and her festive shopping cart, featured in my previous blog titled, "...besides, I'm not even sure my friends will recognize me after this road trip."

                   I am consumer, I am patriot...I am chrispy the observer.

      This is my very favorite strip of shade & shadows during the walk.

                                 Starbuck's is everywhere.

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