Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Amazon Kindle 2.0 being released Feb 9th

(image and location hint from CrunchGrear)
The word is in the digital grape vine. The Amazon Kindle 2.0 is being released on February 9th at a secret location (Morgan Library & Museum) in Mid-town Manhattan. Word is that the unit is thinner and the screen is larger, with some of the annoying little issues from the previous release fixed like accidental page turning.

I have been waiting to get a Kindle this might be the time with the new release depending on the cost for the unit and what little goodies will be offered too. On my way to work in the city I have been noticing more and more people with the Kindles on the train. I've spoke with a few of them and everyone seems to just love it. The only bad thing I've been told is that you need light to view it. If you are in the dark somewhere you are out of luck. For some odd reason i thought there would be some back lit option for low light or dark reading. Who knows maybe in the new release they will have fixed this issue.

New Amazon Kindle 2 coming February 9th (cnet news)

Amazon press conference on 2/9: I can haz Kindle too? (crunch gear)

Kindle 2.0 Coming February 9?(silicon alley insider)

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