Wednesday, January 21, 2009

R.E. Taylor Student Poster Award Competition

The Society for Archaeological Sciences will sponsor a contest for the best student archaeometric poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (April 22 through 26: Atlanta, Georgia, USA). The prize will include a one-year membership in the SAS, including the quarterly Bulletin, and a monetary award of $100 (US). The student should be the first author and the presenter of the poster. Entries will be judged on the significance of the archaeological problem, appropriateness of the archaeometric methods used, soundness of conclusions, quality of the poster display, and oral presentation of the poster. The student author must be present at the poster session in order to compete and respond to judges’queries. Undergraduate and graduate-level candidates are welcome to apply. To enter, please submit the following information in the body of an email: student’s name, university/college, department, and standing; contact email and postal address (for student); coauthors’ names and affiliations; title of poster; complete abstract text (as submitted to SAA); and poster session title, date and time. Deadline for entries: April 15, 2009. Email entry information and direct questions to: AJ Vonarx, SAS Membership Development,

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