Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Rocks the Web Big-Time today

(photo from CNN snipped grabbed on AD Week website article)

President Obama has shown the world that he is the man. Earlier today at the office i noticed that the web was crawling away in speed. I've never seen it this slow. But, then it hit me. BAM all the video feeds were eating up bandwidth on the web like a crazy fireside sale where everything must go.

After doing a little bit of pocking around the web this is what I've found out so far about the web feeds being shown today:
CNN - reporting more than 18.8 million live feeds

MSN - reporting over 9 million live feeds and over 80 million page views

Facebook - reporting over 600,000 updates at a rate of 4,000 / min

This is a new high usage mark in video feeds.

I have been keeping up with the events all day via AP video feed which has worked best for me. They have had a great live video feed all day from a link off the Chicago Tribune website. Many various cell phone users were also affected by the usage from either not getting service or in and out coverage in their area. With the excitement and information in the air today's technology got a good workout from the web to mobile phones they were in full use and delivered on demand.

So i end this post with my hat off to all the people in the technology sector that kept us up to date on events today and made our day a bit more complete with knowing what was going on as it was happening. Thank You for a great job well done.

Obama's Inauguration Rocks the Web (Ad Week)
Inauguration pass or fail? Social network, streaming video report card (zd.net)
Inauguration Taxes Mobile Phone Networks (PC World)

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