Wednesday, January 21, 2009

SAS Bulletin Seeks New Editor

The Society for Archaeological Sciences is seeking an Editor-in-Chief for its quarterly publication, SAS Bulletin: Newsletter of the Society for Archaeological Sciences. For over 30 years, the SAS Bulletin has been an integral part of the SAS as a means to share information about the latest research in archaeological science as well as jobs, training, conferences, Society business, and other relevant news. The first Editor in 1977 was R. E. Taylor, who was followed in later years by Suzanne P. De Atley, George “Rip” Rapp Jr., Patrick E. Martin, Robert S. Sternberg, Christopher L. Nagle, Robert H. Tykot, and, since 2005, E. Christian Wells. The Editor is responsible for the Bulletin's content and publication schedule. To help in this effort, the Editor is joined by a group of associate editors, each with the responsibility to collect information about a different sector of archaeological science and to share this information with the Editor for publication in the Bulletin. The current areas of archaeological science covered in the Bulletin include: archaeological ceramics, archaeological chemistry, archaeometallurgy, bioarchaeology, dating, geoarchaeology, and remote sensing and GIS. There are also associate editors for book reviews and the meeting calendar. Copies of previously published issues are available on-line, The new Editor will mail their first issue (Volume 33, Number 1) to the membership on February 1, 2010. Please send inquiries and proposals to Christian Wells,

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