Wednesday, January 21, 2009

SEC looks into Apple's Steve Jobs Health

(image found on cnet news website)
As the recent days of the famed MacWorld convention occurred assorted rumors of Steve Jobs and his health flowed along the digital grape vine. But since June all that was being reported was that Steve is fine and his health is ok. But now recent word has officially hit the street and Steve's health is not fine but "More complex" then they had originally expected. Steve has spent a lot of time with various doctors trying to find out what is going on with his body and they have been until recent pretty much clueless. On the outside it was obvious that something was going on because of the weight loss that was more then evident in his public appearances.

The SEC has now decided to look into this matter because of the timing of the disclosure and the affect that any kind of word has on Apple stock in general. Whether he likes it or not Steve Jobs is a major integral part of the Apple world. Without him at the reigns people start to worry and get scared if they investment was as wise without the man at the helm.

Now just because the SEC is looking into a company doesn't mean guilt. It basically wants to make sure there was no wrong dealings or wrongful disclosures made when questions of his health were asked and the all clear smooth sailing ahead was sound.
I have always felt Steve Jobs brought an amazing passion with love to Apple. When he introduces a new product he grabs you by the heart and soul with his words and makes you feel part of the elite family that Apple users are a part of. As he talks, his speeches and actions make a person feel as if Steve is sitting there right besides you with his around around a person opening his amazing new product to your eyes, saying I've got something wonderful to show you, i know you will love it and we typically do.

Apple has always created cutting edge products and I believe the if Steve has to take a break because of health reasons the company will still flourish with his spirit inside if not the body at the moment. Steve will always be the over protective, loving and
nurchering father figure we've all grown to love over the years to Apple and its amazing products. Apple is here to stay, period.

So to all the people who worry about this i say Rule #1 Don't sweat the small Stuff, Rule #2 Its all small stuff.

Report: SEC Reviewing Apple's disclosure over Jobs health (cnet news) - Apple Being Investigated by SEC Over Way Jobs' Health Handled? It should be (Washinton Post)
Apple Co-Founder Takes Sick Leave, Shares Fall

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